Monday 2 February 2015

February's the new January!

2nd February 2015

So now and again I look back over my blogs from previous years and I usually notice a pattern which at times makes me feel better and reminds me it's all okay and this is the norm.  According to the last few years, 'cake' has reared its head around this time of year, I'm not usually a big cake eater but for some reason towards the end of January I start to get a craving, I find that really interesting.  To combat it yesterday I made wake up muffins, I only had one, they weren't as good as I remembered and I'd enjoyed that lemon muffin so much at Costa coffee that they didn't compare, it such a shame they're so high in ProPoints!  I need to replicate that cake because it was more cake like than muffin like I thinks.  Anyway talking cake at 6am is asking for trouble so I'll shut up!

The other pattern throughout January every year is the fact I truly struggle with my weight loss efforts, I'm just too darn busy and anything I lose I then regain because of my birthday and yep this year's been no different, weighing on 9th January I'd gained 4lb over Christmas, then
16th Jan lost 1.5lb,
23rd Jan gained 1/2lb Birthday week expected more
30lb Jan gained 1lb! Birthday week caught up on me for sure!

So I am, if you've bothered to do the math, exactly where I started at the beginning of January, that could be worse, so I'm ok with that and ready to sort it out now, no excuses, just 100% tracking and sticking to the plan.  Yes I'm crazy busy but that is not going to change, no I don't like winter and find it hard to even go outside, let alone exercise but I need to find a way to move more (don't miss this week's meeting!) and yes I'm still craving cake (again don't miss this week's meeting) but again if I want to lose weight as I say to all my members, I've got to make realistic changes that I can keep up long term, not just for a fortnight!  And that always starts with tracking because it's a great insight into what you are doing and where you need to make changes!

Unlike me my members have had huge success in January 1,937lb which is over 138 stone!  Yeah proving you can lose weight in January!  That's just incredible isn't it and proof that Weight Watchers works and if I needed any more motivation to sort myself out, it's right there!

One thing that did make me realise I really do want to shift these extra pounds was clothes shopping on Saturday, I really liked a dress and I couldn't get it over my legs (which is where I carry a lot of my weight), so I need to sort it out and shift a stone, no more excuses.  I'm still happy with 1/2lb a week but I need to stop with the 2 pounds forward, 1 pound back game, that's not going to work at all. 

I've started already, my breakfast is planned, I made it up last night, overnight oats with raspberries and yogurt that's good for me and my digestion.  So pleased my stomach seems to have settled down - another reason to lose some weight!

I have a beef dinner ready too, made extra yesterday, then I'll have a light tea, thinking eggs maybe.  That's day one under control!  I'm thinking Filling & Healthy today as most of that is F&H.  Having tried a couple of ready meals last week, I may do a few ProPoint days too, but today we'll go with F&H.

Oh one last thing in case you missed my facebook post, I tried the microwave swede idea just pop it in the microwave, no stabbing, peeling, chopping.  25 minutes later take it out, cut open the top and scoop out the middle and you have perfect swede.  I'm easily pleased and impressed!

Have a marvelous Monday BeYOUtiful, let's make February count, #FunkyFebruary!

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