Tuesday 4 November 2014

The choice is yours and only yours… What will it be?

4th November 2014
Life is all about perception.  Positive versus negative.  Whichever you choose will affect and more than likely reflect your outcomes.

It all comes down to, you have to want to lose it more than you want to eat it really doesn’t it!  I’ve realised that for sure, all the training I have, all the knowledge, none of it works if losing weight isn’t important enough to me. And yes we can know we need to lose weight, that we will be happier if we do lose weight but that still isn’t enough if the pleasure of eating outweighs those results.  It’s all very complex really isn’t it, we don’t seem to appreciate the long term, we only live in the now and the now usually involves the pleasure of the food, whereas the long term involves such things as ill health or not being able to wear clothes you wanted to, I was watching Perception the other night and he said we see our future self as someone else so don’t appreciate the outcome because we’re living with the now. The mind is a very clever powerful thing isn’t it when you think about it.

Luckily this week for me, ‘the want to lose weight’ is outweighing the desire to eat, long may that feeling continue.   Having that generous weight loss yesterday has definitely spurred me on, I just need to accept that it’ll probably be slower now and that’s ok as long as it’s coming off.  I live in hope!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned eating the big ugly green frog yet in my blogs but it’s been working for me since Friday, so if you haven’t heard about it, simply put, it’s doing the things you need to do but don’t want to do first thing in the morning out of the way, this way you’ve done the ‘worst’ thing already and everything else seems easy in comparison.
We all have those things you don’t want to do, but actually need to do.  These are the ‘Frogs’. The ugly, distasteful things that need to be done but you put off.  We procrastinate because we aren’t motivated to do them.  Habit and structure helps with the frogs, the idea is to get them out of the way, think about it – if you had to eat a big ugly green frog every day what would be the best way of handling that, the suggestion is to put it on your bedside table and eat it as soon as you get up in the morning because otherwise the idea of eating that frog gets worse, in your mind it gets bigger, uglier and well you’re just not going to do it are you!  You hopefully get the idea.  

Eating your frog at the start of the day is a great habit to get into, making sure frogs are the first thing that gets done leaves you free to do the things that you enjoy doing. The habit creates an inherent reward. 

So I have a few frogs to be sure and since Friday I’ve been working on getting them out of the way so I can enjoy my day, yesterday it included fitting in a walk, so I went as soon as I’d sorted moms breakfast, I could’ve easily said I didn’t have time, I had other things to do, blah, blah, blah, but the truth is, I did have time and I managed to hit my 10,000 steps before 10am.  

I’ve realised losing weight can be a giant ugly frog but putting it off not only makes the frog bigger, and it’s making me bigger too!  So every morning I’m organising my day to help my weight loss journey as best as I can, that might involve getting the veggies ready for our dinner, or planning my meals, shopping online to stop me browsing the shelves or going for a walk.  Whatever it takes, I’m not putting it off anymore; the shift has probably resulted from that shock of seeing those number last week on the scales but whatever the reason, its working. 

“If you have to eat a live frog, it does not pay to sit and look at it for a very long time!”
My mom made me laugh when I was trying to explain the concept to her, I said something like, “what would happen if you didn’t eat that frog first thing in the morning out of the way”, her reply, “It’d jump away”.  She had a point!

If you do wake up to find a frog beside you, maybe try kissing it first! 

Have a great day BeYOUtiful. xx

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