Wednesday 5 November 2014

I’m taking a long hard look at my behaviours!

5th November 2014
Either you run the day or the day runs you!
How true is that quote, I love it when I’m in charge of my day and it all goes to plan and I seem to have time for everything that needs to be done. I managed that yesterday and even fit in a walk, my intention is to walk 30 minutes every day this week, yesterday it ended up being 45 minutes because I went further than I realised.  I thought about it, and realised that’s the one thing that’s changed over the last year or so, I’m moving less, various reasons, firstly I stopped running because it was killing my joints, then I stopped walking the dog because mom enjoys it and it gets her out the house, plus Alfie didn’t want to walk with me when he could stroll with mom, then I was too busy!  Yesterday I realised if it’s important to me I can find 30 minutes a day minimum, I can call it my lunch hour.  So that’s what I did, as soon as I got back from my morning meeting I put my boots on and went out.  That half hours was the difference between hitting my 10,000 steps and not hitting them.  My fitbit has a table that shows me where I am compared to my fitbit friends, Monday I was 29th, yesterday I was 29th and this morning I’ve moved up to 25th.  My average over a 7 day period has been about 6,000 steps, my aim is 10,000 steps and I’d like to get into the top 20 this week, so if you add me as a fit bit friend you’ll have to wait till Monday to be accepted because I don’t want any new competition till then ‘-).

Yes I’m going with the thought process this week that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  I’m taking a long hard look at my behaviours and asking myself what can I change and what am I prepared to change.  Walking for 30 minutes seems a really easy no-brainer with great results, the thought of running or doing an exercise class makes me shudder, I will use the time to listen to an audio book so I’m winning twice, activity and a bit of reading. 

My shopping has changed too, online is definitely the better option for me, I’m much more controlled, I think about the meals we will have with the food I buy and then I don’t end up with a trolley full of too much food and junk we don’t need in our lives.  I’ve just realised there’s been no crisps or cakes (other than my homemade banana cake and muffins) for about a month now and I’ve noticed mom hasn’t mentioned feeling poorly once and she seems to be sleeping like a log, I can hear the snoring now.

We indulged in pizza last Friday night and they were delicious, one of moms favourites pizza is, so I’ve got them on order again for this week, I think the one I ordered was 19pp each, it’s a thin and crispy Sainsbury’s one.

Routine is helping, I didn’t think I’d ever be happy to eat the same meals on rotation but I have to say my chicken dinner on a Sunday has been very much enjoyed over the last month, I could get used to that.  Salmon is another favourite in our house, I love the maggi papyrus papers (meant for chicken), I wrap them round my salmon fillet and pop on the George Foreman for about 9 minutes, absolutely delicious served with brown rice and veggies and so easy to prepare.

 I’ve also still got quite a few meals in the freezer prepared for when I hit a day when I can’t be bothered - forward thinking see, as I know the reality is I won’t feel all ra ra every day, especially for one week of the month anyway!

Yep I’m taking part in the #WWChristmasChallenge, I want 7lb off in the next 7 weeks, I want to enjoy Christmas without overindulging too much.  I want to start 2015 with a smile on my face when I step on those scales. 

I’m feeling positive, I feel like I can do it and that feels good…

How you feeling BeYOUtiful?

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