Friday 13 September 2013

Monday's are always so much easier to stay on track aren't they!

13th September 2013

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and a waist is a terrible thing to mind – embrace your body xx
Friday the 13th mmm, superstitious twoddle – you makes your own luck, never forget that xx

Yesterday I could’ve so gone off track last night, eaten something high ProPointed and cracked open a bottle of wine, why – because it was Thursday night and Thursday night is last day of meetings nights, so I sit down and unwind ready for my weekend.  Why didn’t I got off track?  Because I reminded myself how much I wanted to lose those pounds for December, how much I wanted to - for once – complete a 12 week journal and actually get some results!  Isn’t it always so much easier to ‘diet’ on a Monday than a Friday, I know the ProPoints plan is a weight loss plan and if you do it properly it isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle change but you know what, I’m 43 and anything I eat is my diet, it should so happens at the moment I’m on a weight loss one rather than a weight gain or weight maintain one.  If I’m consciously making the effort to lose weight, I’m always going to call it a ‘diet’ and I’m never going to change, don’t get me wrong the changes I make I try to make permanent ones that I can do forever and I’m never going to do the ‘quick fix’ or ‘drastic’ diets but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with calling it a weight loss diet as long as it’s a sensible one.

Day 3 of my personal 84 day challenge is complete; I intend to complete this journal I do!  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t intend those pages to be full of perfection – that is something I will never be on the eating front, I just expect them to be completed 100% honestly and accountable for myself.  I’m not expecting miracles, I know I find it harder at weekends to motivate myself to stay on track, I also know I find it easier this week of my month that the last week of my month, however I’m going to write it all down and get to know my eating behaviours and actions even better than I do know.  Why?  Because knowledge really is power – the more you know about yourself, the more you can understand your behaviours and then decide on how to change them if that’s what you wish to do. 
I’ve decided fighting mother nature once a month is futile, so I’m working with her, I embrace my inner grump for a few days, feel a little sorry for those around me but they can always step away from the cranky bitch or shout back ;), I’ve also decided that to keep control over certain foods, I won’t have them in my house very often – sorting my surroundings!  Luckily because I’d done that last weekend and made a list of what foods I had in the cupboards and freezer, last night when I couldn’t decide what to have to eat, I had the list of options and despite the fact I changed my mind numerous times, I did eventually end up with one of those choices rather than end up in the Co-op looking for ‘something nice’ which usually translates as “oh dear I’ve used all my weeklies and it’s only Thursday, now what – sod it, let’s start again Monday”. 

I’m pleased to report I’m starting Friday with 49 floating ProPoints on top of my dailies and the potential to earn some with my pedometer if I wish.
I’ve got some beetroot a member has given me so I’m going to see what I can cook with that, thinking a risotto, or roasted beetroot with garlic & Halloumi cheese, I even found a recipe for beetroot wine!  That’s my task, to use it up and enjoy it.  Need to decided what and make a shopping list of things I need and try to stick to it as closely as possible.

Yes I’m starting Friday alert, even if my eyes aren’t completely agreeing with my brain quite yet!  If you’re reading this thinking “I really want to lose some weight”, you know what – the best time to start was yesterday – the next best time is NOW!
You started yet?  If not are you starting NOW?

You can do it – and of course being BeYOUtiful you know you’re worth it!
Eat Gorgeous, enjoy the journey, accept yourself now as amazing and then work on changing yourself to a different type of amazing, if that’s what you want.


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