Thursday 12 September 2013

Giving my inner grump a cuddle xx

12th September 2013

Often we are so absorbed in our own lives we forget to take notice of people around us – take notice!

Pc’s on a go slow this morning, just what you need on your busiest day of the week that, not to worry I’ll work with it rather than against it and it’ll make it more manageable, so I’m starting with my blog whilst the internet sorts itself out!  Day two of my journal and all is good :0), it’s so much easier to work with things you don’t have control of than against I’ve realised, so my pc for one but also my monthly cycle, there’s not a lot you can do about nature and aging.  Of course there’s the obvious like eating well and moving more to ensure you have a healthy body and mind but you can’t turn back the clock and I have noticed that I definitely have a monthly mood cycle to match everything else that goes on with my body, so when the grumps happen, I’m aware of them and I just embrace them so to speak, I tell myself it’s my hormones and they’ll pass, I know it’s that because nothing has changed in my life from the one day to the next to cause my grumps to have a cause or a meaning!  I do have to add that I’m not a fan of the grey days though, but I will get used to them, we’ve had such a beautiful summer, I’m not ready for the cold, damp autumn to take over!

So my inner grumps have lifted and I’m ready for my day, I realised yesterday that I needed to start putting myself on my list of priorities, its great being a caring person who wants to help others, it’s not so great if you’re neglecting yourself in order to do that!  I priorities my own well being yesterday, nothing major just making sure I spent some time planning and preparing my meals and fitting in a morning walk with Alfie.  Doesn’t take a lot to please me, but if I miss those simple things out it really affects me.

Loved my meals yesterday, porridge with berries done in the microwave so they were sweet and warming, lunch was so simple yet delicious, instead of having sausages which let’s be honest you’d never put less than two on your plate, I removed the skin and made a sausage burger which I grilled, then had with poached egg on a muffin - way better than the MacDonald’s version if I do say so myself.  Then I used my slow cooker to get tea ready, used a jar of Chicken Tonight low fat honey and mustard sauce (8pp) and added 4 chicken thighs chopped up (16pp) and had it with mash. Now there was enough there for four meals, there isn’t now because Alfie helped consume most of the chicken!  So today I’m going to add mushrooms to the big pot of sauce, carrots and onions and the little bit of chicken that’s left in it and we’ll still have it for lunch.  Bless him, he was loving it and I’m all for sharing ;-)

It does help to take a bit of time for yourself to think about what you’re going to have, and I’m really enjoying my meals this week, I’ve more or less got today’s meals sorted because today’s the busy one where if I’ve not decided when I get home, I’m that hungry I’ll attack the cupboards, so I’m thinking scrambled  egg muffin for breakfast to keep me going, the lunch I’ve just mentioned and for tea well this is still undecided but maybe mackerel in mustard sauce on toast, quick and easy or there’s another of those microwave risottos.  I did find some grey peas when I was defrosting the freezer, now I’m praying I put them back in there, if I didn’t I have no clue what happened to them!  Scary when you hit your 40s, you’re brain stops working properly and your memory disappears totally, I thought it was the demon drinks fault but I’ve not been drinking this week, been saving my ProPoints for food.  Ooo speaking of no memory, almost forgot I made a chicken noodle soup yesterday too, the whole pan is 7pp, I’ve used Asda’s Sobu noodles (3pp), 1 chicken thigh sliced (4pp), oil (1pp), fried onions in the pan, added a diced carrot, 5 cherry peppers from a jar then added the other ingredients, plus water with 2 chicken oxo cubes and some mushroom sauce but soy sauce would do the same, I just couldn’t find any!  It’s a huge pan and would easily do 3 or 4 bowls of ample soup, so that might be an afternoon filler, or a pre tea warmer.

Right I’m rambling again, so I’m off to get ready for work, this getting up in the dark at 5am is going to take a bit of getting used to, drinking my pint of cold water isn’t quite the same on a cold dark morning - I need a cup of tea!

Here’s to putting yourself first today and of course BeYouTiful xx




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