Monday 23 September 2013

Let loose in a Supermarket without a ProPoints Calculator!

23rd September 2013
"I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.- " Lao Tzu

I’ve had a lovely weekend, it started Friday when me and my bestie went for lunch and had a good giggle, having realised we hadn’t done lunch for ages, we had started just doing staying in for a natter – yes we’d become like the best friend version of an old married couple and had started taking each other for granted!  Just goes to show it can happen in any relationship, its not only marriages that go stale ;-!
So now we’ve realised we’re going to make the effort to rectify it and have more lunch outings and laughter sessions.  I got to thinking about what other relationships we take for granted and the answer is probably most of them!  However of course because I’m all about the eating, the one that interested me was our relationship with food and our bodies, the diet we choose to eat and the outcome it all has on our health.  It’s very easy for us to take food for granted or for our meals to go stale and boring, I hear about it all the time.  I try to not get stuck in a rut with food because I enjoy eating different things so much, I am struggling to be bothered to cook recipes at the moment though despite the fact I have lots of lovely cook books to go at.
Yesterday when I shopped, I didn’t think about the ProPoints values of anything, I just wanted to enjoy shopping for delicious food and I was shopping to try and get my kitchen mojo back, to find foods/meals I hadn’t tried before maybe and to see if I actually trust my decision making around food.   And I was very happy with myself, giving myself free reign in the supermarket didn’t turn me into a junk eating fool with no regard for her health, I actually spent more time looking at organic and healthy foods because they are foods I enjoy, my idea of treating myself is finding something organic and nutritious but also tasty.  I found some sweet potato kievs, indulged myself and bought smoked salmon mousse terrine, mini garlic and herb jackets, butternut squash lasagne.  None of these things when I eventually worked the ProPoints out were particularly excessive.  I trust myself to realise my health matters far more than overeating on a continual basis so I wouldn’t go crazy in the supermarket on a regular basis even if I decided I could. 
Over the years, following Weight Watchers, doing the ProPoints plan amongst others I’ve learned so much about myself and my body, my relationship with food, that I know continued overeating doesn’t make me feel good, moments of overindulging are fabulous but they need to be infrequent.
Even one of my members who’s on holiday this week has already facebooked us to say after a few days of abusing the All Inclusive, she’s ready for healthy eating again because it makes us feel yak when we’ve got used to eating healthy and happy.
Would you trust yourself to make wise food choices if given free reign to buy whatever you want?  If not that’s absolutely okay, it just shows you’re at a different point, I dare say there would be weeks when I wouldn’t trust myself either, this week just wasn’t one of them and that’s why it’s important to not test yourself when you don’t need to.  If you plan ahead, make those shopping lists, take that ProPoints calculator with you then you don’t need to test your willpower.
Mmm breakfast, what to have…… Whatever it is, I’ll Eat Gorgeous – will you?

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