Tuesday 24 September 2013

Can't beat a chip butty!

24th September 2013
Don’t worry about what people say behind your back. They are the people who are finding faults in your life instead of fixing the faults in their own life. — Unknown
These dark mornings don’t encourage me to get out of bed, I could’ve easily done another hour and yet I went to bed at nine last night!  Yes my bodies and mind is ready for hibernation I think ;-)
It was also craving hearty food yesterday so a chip butty was enjoyed, yes they can be enjoyed, it cost me 10pp but it was delicious, I could’ve done a lower ProPointed version had I used different bread, actually if it had been low calorie bread I could’ve done a Filling & Healthy version, that’s the beauty of the Weight Watchers plan, there’s choice.  I however opted for two good sized slices of wholemeal bread (5pp), oven chips (4pp), ketchup (1pp).  If I’d been on a F&H day, I’d have cut my own chips and used my Actifry with my oil allowance or you could use the oven.  The ketchup would need to come out of your weekly allowance.
I’m happy in the knowledge my fridge is full of enough meals to last me the week without me having to think too much, I’ve not got the desire to cook in me at the moment, I had a go at a chicken korma curry yesterday using the slow cooker and I wasn’t impressed with the outcome, so I shan’t be cooking for a while and that curry will be going in the freezer in the hope the flavour will mature!
I’m thinking porridge and berries this morning because there’s a picture on my desk of a bowl and it keeps catching my eye!  This is the week I have a huge appetite porridge is a good starter!  ProPoints wise the weekend hasn’t looked pretty on the tracker so the results this morning could say “OUCH”, it all started after the walk and really hasn’t stopped; it’s all been good food but definitely too much good food!
http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2013/09/23/hundreds-step-out-on-cannock-chase-charity-walk/ we made the news with the walk on Saturday, my members Nat, Jon and Emma are on photo 3, and you can see the back of my head ;), I’m overwhelmed at the generosity of everyone, it’s such a worthy charity and I have a personal connection as mom has a touch of dementia herself, I walked in and sat down to find her watching an episode of Law & Order yesterday that we’d watched the day before and she’d already forgot, I watched it again she was enjoying it – she did the first time too J
We can do everything in our power to maintain our weight but maintaining our brain ain’t quite so easy, they suggest eating fish once a week could help, and foods rich in vitamin E such as fortified cereals, green leafy veg, seeds and nuts.  There’s no hard and fast solution though and they don’t really know if diet can help Alzheimer’s at all.  All we can do is take care of ourselves as best as we are able and hope nature is kind on us!
Here’s to a day of taking care of ourselves, physically and emotionally, if you’ve had a bad week/weekend and know you’ve gone off track (as I know quite a few of you have), give yourself a break, beating yourself up won’t help at all.  Heck I have one bad week every month, it’s my cycle of life and rather than fighting it I’m embracing it, I’m still losing weight gradually and I’m healthy, even when I overindulge I don’t do it on the worst stuff, I don’t eat like I’ve sinned and I need to eat as much as possible as quickly as possible because tomorrow I will ‘diet’ again!  Yes I know that’s what so many do, nope I’ve lost the ON IT/OFF IT mentality, I’m more Within my Allowance/Not within my Allowance and instead of being ruled by my emotions, I’m more guided by my appetite, if I’m really hungry I eat more, of course I guess there are still emotions playing their part, I’m just not as aware of them.  I’m thinking out loud (or on text) now so I’m off to get ready for work.
Enjoy your day – Eat Gorgeous & Be Happy & Healthy.
You’re worth it because you’re BeYOUtiful xx

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