Monday 22 July 2013

Who cares if you’re bigger or smaller than the woman next to you?

22nd July 2013
Begin by expecting good things to happen, start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, & suddenly you’re doing the impossible. 
Enjoy your summer holidays regardless of your size! Loving yourr body only when it's in perfect shape is like loving your kids only when they're well behaved! BeYOUtiful always x
Who cares if you’re bigger or smaller than the woman next to you?  Probably only you!  Start to celebrate everything about yourself, you are unique – stop comparing yourself. 
How slim do you actually want to be?  WHY?  Our weight seems to be a subject that occupies our thoughts a great amount of time.  If you lose this weight and get to your magic number what difference will it make to your life?  Will it improve it and in what way?  Is there a perfect number on the scales where your life will suddenly change and become perfect?
As woman lose weight I’ve noticed that their confidence seems to get better (not all woman but a lot of them) does the actual weight loss cause this or is it because you suddenly feel in control of your life, is it an if you can handle your eating habits you can handle anything attitude?  Is it because you suddenly stop wearing clothes that flatter or suit you and start wearing clothes you actually like?  Maybe because you’ve lost weight you’ve treated yourself to some nice pretty new underwear and added lots more colour into your wardrobe.   Maybe you don’t feel quite so self conscious about being noticed, so you’re happier to wear clothes that make you stand out a little more. 
A study conducted in the UK last year found that 7 in 10 women in Britain think about their weight three times a day, and 80% say they’re depressed by their body’s appearance. 
I read a magazine article yesterday when the lady had lost 21lb and she said it had changed lots of things for her, she’d always felt a ‘tad too fat’, ‘a bit too voluptuous’ and that losing the weight had made exercise easier, since she now had more energy and was more inclined to do it.  She also said, “I like my thighs (that’s a first)”, “losing the albatross stone and a half has had a seismic effect on how I feel about myself, my wardrobe, my world”.
She’d gone from a size 12 to a size 8!
Now don’t get me wrong, I work in the weight loss world but REALLY! 
My thoughts are, was she less inclined to exercise because she didn’t have the energy or was it more because she had low self esteem and bad body image so didn’t want to exercise.  I’ve seen many a larger lady run a marathon, plenty of size 12+ women are fit and active, myself included.
Voluptuous at size 12 wouldn’t be a label I’d give myself, curvy maybe, but having said that I’ve just looked at the online dictionary and this is the meaning; “describes a woman who has a soft, curved, sexually attractive body”, so in that case go on then I’ll take that label ;) rather that than “skinny”!
If you have a good body image, high self-esteem and self confidence then you can feel good at any size, with these qualities you’re more likely to take care of your body and Eat Gorgeous in a nutritionally balanced way.
Maybe instead of waiting until you’ve lost weight you should go out and buy the clothes you like in the colours you adore right now, forget ‘flattering’ go for fabulous, go buy that sexy underwear now.  Being slim doesn’t put you in control of your life – YOU put yourself in control of your life, make the decision right now, say it out loud “I AM GORGEOUS, I am loved and I’m always going to be BeYOUtiful!”  
YES you are!
You don’t need to wait until you’ve lost weight to feel amazing about yourself, you don’t have to see a certain number on the scale to be sensational, and you can be both of those things right now by making the decision to be amazing and sensational.
You can lose weight if you wish to and it will be much easier if you eat for nourishment not punishment, if you exercise for energy not to burn calories, and if you do it for yourself because you want to not because you feel you should.
Don’t weight for that number to feel great about yourself, if you want to wear a bikini – go wear one even if your name’s Stan ;-) each to their own I say.  Big ladies are beautiful too, skinny doesn’t have the monopoly on sexy, what’s that saying beauty is only skin deep when I believe Gorgeous starts in the gut, and awesome comes from the heart.
You are beautiful, now go get healthy and happy xx
Only if you want to of course….

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