Tuesday 23 July 2013

What size are you? I'm size Happy Me!

23rd July 2013 
Remember the tea kettle, it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings.  Anonymous
Woke early this morning, not sure if it was the thunder that woke me but it still rumbling on outside, that’ll make loading my car fun if we have a storm this morning!
So yesterday I had another appointment at the hospital for an ultrasound scan –on my neck not my tummy - I’m not pregnant and it won’t be a boy unlike Kate!  Apparently it’s a branchial cleft cyst and the lumps coming out it’s, that’s all I need to know, and I shall be staying away from the google search engine for further info!  Anyways my nurse used to be one of my members and said something along the lines off, I couldn’t stick to it and unless you can sell me some motivation then I never will.  Mmm motivation, see it’s what gets you started but habit is what keeps you going, I’ve talked a lot over the last few days about being happy in your skin, that if you have a good body image, high self-esteem and self confidence then you can feel good at any size, and how you’re more likely to take care of your body and Eat Gorgeous in a nutritionally balanced way.
I believe that if you learn to love yourself for who you are now then you’ll find making changes easier because change comes from valuing and caring about yourself enough to want to improve your life. 
We all get motivated to lose weight initially by something, it might be a photo of yourself and a realisation that you’ve gained more weight that you thought, it may be that you feel sluggish and uncomfortable in this heatwave we’re experiencing right now, or it may be not being able to get the bar down on a fairground ride, or the seatbelt across on an aeroplane seat.  Most people have something that triggers them to want to lose weight and join Weight Watchers, and as quick as that motivation arrived in the first place, it can leave!
So it’s important to constantly remind yourself why you want to be healthy and lose weight, then put in place things that will help you with that.  If it’s not in your cupboards you can consume it is a favourite of mine, also make changes that you are happy to keep in place for the rest of your life, if it’s too difficult it won’t last.
Also find your happy weight, that weight that when you get to it, you’ll feel good and be able to maintain – it’s all very well wanting to be a size 8 or at the lower end of the bmi scale but it takes some maintenance and if you’re not prepared for that you won’t stay at that weight.
We all have what I call our ‘happy weight’, that’s different for everyone, it should be a weight where you can maintain without too much effort, those lower bmi weights for a lot of us mean we have to live on quite a low calories diet with only the odd treat and also exercise quite intensely, if you’re happy to do that, then go for it, I personally am not because I’m no longer happy at that point, it’s not a natural place for my body to be. We are all different, some of us are naturally smaller and slimmer, some of us are naturally bigger and curvier. As long as I feel good in myself and my body is healthy, free from illness and working as it should then that’s good enough for me, I’m happy! We are all ‘real women’ no matter what size we are. If you are overweight and it is affecting your health and wellbeing, losing weight is one of the best things you can do but it may be that your happy weight is naturally on the bigger side.  I love the idea of monitoring the success of your weight loss on your health rather than your dress size – I cut the labels out of my clothes as soon as I get them home, they’re all Size B!
For some it’s worth the extra effort needed to be slimmer, that’s down to the individual, for me at this moment in my life, it’s just not worth the time or effort to get that extra stone off, I enjoy food too much, I also feel great, I’m happy in my skin right now, my extra pounds aren’t bothering me, I have curves that some wouldn’t want but also some would love, but to be honest I’m not fussed what others think of how I look because I’m happy and healthy, I make a conscious effort to Eat Gorgeous, that doesn’t mean I only eat what would be classed as the healthy foods, I have my treats, I indulge myself but I don’t go ridiculous.  I do tend to gain weight in the winter and now the suns appeared I do seem to be losing those few pounds, it’s 1/2lb at a time but that’s even better because I’m not having to put in the extra effort, the fact I’ve done Weight Watchers so long really helps because I’ve made those lifelong changes and tweaked those habits.
 So no you can’t buy motivation, but at Weight Watchers you can get education, inspiration and constant support and that’s why I love it, Weight Watchers helped me lose weight and that journey was worth every step, so wherever you are on your journey, don’t give up because the rewards of being at a healthy weight for your body, those rewards are even better if you can be relativity free from being at battle with yourself!
Have a great day. xx
I'd rather be happy than hungry!

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