Tuesday 30 July 2013

Who blew it this weekend?

30th July 2013
There are few things more painful than to recognise one's own faults in others.  John Wells
I could’ve had an extra hour in bed this morning, it’s the first time this year I’ve been tempted to reset my alarm and give myself an extra hour, I’m thinking maybe it’s because I worked more hours last week, I spent Friday in Leeds and also worked yesterday morning to catch up from week before.  I’m waking up now I’m drinking my pint of water, yes still doing that before I have a cup of tea, it’s become automatic as soon as I get out of bed.
I made a lovely dinner yesterday Moroccan fennel & apricot chicken tagine, with leek and butternut squash served with couscous, it was delicious, a little on the warm spicy side for us but still very tasty, I think I had the packet mix from Sainsbury’s. 
We also took a drive over to David Austin Roses in Albrighton because I was thinking of having the front garden borders full of roses, worthwhile trip because I changed my mind, so back to the drawing board, I did however treat myself to a couple of plants from the garden centre in Albrighton, one a lovely sedum we’d seen in the gardens at the roses place.
Okay back to weight loss, who blew it at the weekend?  Come on be honest!  I know a few of my members did because they told me, so how do you put that right, stop it happening, carry on?  First of all I think you need to remind yourself of your reasons for joining Weight Watchers in the first place, ask yourself what you want to achieve.  Next examine your current reality, this is really important because too often we try to solve our problems or reach our goal without fully considering where we’re starting from, do that means we often miss some information that we need in order to reach our goal effectively.  Scary word ‘goal’ isn’t it, remember it doesn’t have to mean your long term goal, it may just mean your aim for this week, or your target for the summer holidays.
So where are we right now?  What’s happening in your life right now, and what effect is this having on your weight loss efforts?  What if any steps have you already taken towards your goal?  And is this goal conflicting with any other goals you may have, for example if your goal for weight loss is 2lb this week but your other goal is to go out this weekend because it’s your birthday and have a damn good party night, chances are ones going to affect the other!
Once you’ve answered those questions, then it’s time to get real and work out what is possible, look at all your options, how could you stay on track this weekend?  I could make lots of suggestions but I’m not going to because only you really know what will work for you.  For me I know if I only buy myself two bottles of wine on a Thursday, then two bottles is all I have to last all week until the next time I go shopping, I also know that if I go and buy some none alcoholic Becks Blue that’s going to help me with the habit of wanting a bottle of beer because I actually like it as much and it’s only 1pp a bottle.  So what could you do?   And then when you’ve thought about that, ask yourself - What else could you do? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?  What do you need to stop doing in order to achieve this goal?  What obstacles stand in your way?

So do you have some solutions? An idea of how you can get through this weekend without blowing it?  So, what will you do come Friday? What else will you do? What could stop you sticking to this plan? How will you overcome this? How can you keep yourself motivated?
You’ve just done a bit of self-coaching on yourself – well done if you did it, if you didn’t you can come back later and have a go.  Don’t expect the answers to come instantly, think about them, remember we didn’t gain all our weight overnight and we won’t change all those habits overnight either.   
I’m going to sit down and do this exercise myself later because I do get led astray a little more than I’d like at weekends and this weekend I have my bestie coming to make it more challenging!
Weigh day today for me, I’m praying to the scale gods, that buffet demon got me remember and I was tripped up by a pork pie at Essington Fruit Farm yesterday, oh yeah and kidnapped over the weekend by a bottle of port that had been on offer the week before!  Wish me luck J
Have a great day, Eat Gorgeous and remember you are BeYouTiful. xx 


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