Monday 29 July 2013

"I just can't do it" is too easy an option!

29th July 2013
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. 
The other day I was asked why it was important to me to lose weight; my response was because my boss told me I should!  The truth was it isn't, but it is important to me that I don't gain weight, for me there's a huge difference there in how I approach my eating on a daily basis. Yes I would be happy to be a stone lighter but the truth is I'm quite happy at the weight I am, I feel good about myself and comfortable in my skin, I think I look good in my clothes and for my age I'm a fit bird ;-). However I don't want to weigh any heavier for health reasons mainly, but also for vanity reasons. 

So that is why I'm ProPointing and tracking, if I can continue to lose 1/2lb a week or maintain ill be happy, the odd gains okay as long as the scales aren't creeping up to that unhappy weight I have in my mind. 

I'm writing this down as a reminder of that conversation so that on days when I go into "sod it" mode and tell myself I don't care what I weigh, I can read this and remind myself that isn't true!

I'm guessing if you read my blog you are or have been a Weight Watcher, do you remember your reasons?  Do you sometimes choose to ignore them?  Are you in a none Weight Watcher place right now and telling yourself you don't care what you weigh because you can't do it!  We can do this you know, especially if we keep telling ourselves and each other that we can x

When we're in the zone, I believe we enjoy our food more, I believe we feel better about our actions and I believe it feels a hell of a lot better than "sod it" syndrome!  You may disagree and if you do I'm guessing you're not in the zone at the moment and just like I'm known to do, you're disagreeing with me because it reinforces that place that you are right now. 

Even when you're struggling to stay on track it's better to admit that and do the best that you can at that time than to forget about it altogether as that when the weight creeps back on and it tends to do so quite quickly!

Are you struggling to get on track?  What are your reasons, here's a list to choose from;

I don't have time to do it.
I don't know how to do it.
I might fail.
There aren't enough hours in the day to focus on this too.
I can't afford to do it.
I'll start after my holiday.
No one believes I can do it.
No one supports me.
Everyone laughs or says 'here we go again' when I go on a diet.
I'm too old.
I've got too much going on at the moment.
I'm just too tired.
No one understands how I feel, it's just so hard!
I just can't do it....

We have two choices, we can continue to focus on all the reasons why we can't do it or we can choose to get on track and lose weight despite them!

Don't let your past experiences dictate your future - the past is past.  The limit of our history is NOW. All you can choose now is your next move. 

Just looking at the first of those reasons for not doing it - TIME - they'll never be enough hours in the day but we all get the same amount so it's down to us to prioritise, don't focus on the time you haven't got control over and manage the hours you do.

We can always find a reason not to do something and yes life can be hard at times and that's when you have to dig deep and carry on regardless.  It's healthy to step outside your comfort zone, not many people get success by coasting along and taking it easy. Look at J K Rowling, she was a skint, single parent when she wrote Harry Potter and she got turned down loads of times by publishers, how easy would it have been for her to quit - she didn't and now she's a rich successful author!

I reckon this week we all embrace the fact that we will have many weight loss challenges but acknowledge everyone has them and we also have the same chance of success as all those Weight Watcher Gold members who have achieved their goals.

All you need to do is start…
Eat Gorgeous (whilst ProPointing it!)
BeYouTiful (and realise you really are xx)
Because you’re worth it. 

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