Monday 8 July 2013

Feeling very chilled and content...

Monday 8th July 2013
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell
What an absolute glorious weekend we’ve had, beautiful weather and a win at Wimbledon, I didn’t watch it though, much too busy pottering in my garden. We had visitors again yesterday and Jen aged 9 helped me paint a fence panel - that was fun! I’m not rushing so they’ll take a good while, I did three yesterday, two blackboard ones, one red and one good old fashioned fence paint brown. Need to paint the two blackboard ones a second coat before the sun comes round because you can’t paint it in full sun! Lynne’s bought mom a fig tree, it’s only tiny at the moment but it’d be great if it grew and fruited as mom adores figs.
Here's a nice tale! Mom spotted this amazing looking black moth yesterday and pointed it out to me, I have a bit of a phobia although its not as bad as it was, I used to be terrified of them.  So I took a photo, then she touched it and it flew at me and landed on my chair! I screamed and jumped up out of the way, so she moved the moth. In the meantime a savvy sparrow is watching all this, he swoops, he catches, he scores a moth, that was his pudding for the day and mom was devastated that she'd got the moth killed when he was minding his own business. 
I’m just happy in my own little world at the moment I have to say, it’s lovely to see mom so happy and content and we’re both enjoying the sunshine and the garden, this weather really does make almost everyone feel better.
I love that my body is managing to do the manual work, it seizes up by the end of the day but it’s holding out which is progress as my back was so bad 2 or 3 years ago it wouldn’t have been able to pick a shovel up, I honestly put that down to massage and all credit goes to the Chi Rooms at Essinton who as I put it “rebuild me” every week and make me ready for another week – money extremely well spent, some people have their nails done, some have fake tans, I’d rather have a massage. Massage really is marvellous, it’s not just enjoyable and relaxing but also therapeutic and a damn sight better for your body than continually taking painkillers, these days I only take them when absolutely necessary.
The one thing I do need to get a handle on is my eating pattern, I’m not paying enough attention to what I’m eating; I’m not overeating just not making the best choices. All I had yesterday was a ready made sandwich for lunch from Sainsbury’s and tea was ½ cheese and tomato pizza with salad, that wasn’t too bad for 14pp, no idea how many the sandwich was I just assumed it wouldn’t be more than half my daily allowance. I did have a packet of hula hoops – because they were there, doh, Jen asked for them then when they’d gone I noticed they were still there! So today, lunch will be a ham salad sandwich or toastie, and then I will have a think about tea and see what’s in the fridge, I need more veggies in my life! I do have a mango that needs using, maybe I’ll make a smoothie, ooo I could do a Filling and Healthy day then I wouldn’t have to ProPoint, maybe we shall see.
Doctors appointment at 10.30, nothing serious just a lump in the side of my neck that won’t go away, it swells up and goes down but never disappears and when it swells it hurts, so go ask about it again! I’ll try and paint panels before I go. Alfie’s off to be clipped tonight, poor chappy must be sweltering in this heat, so I’m gonna have him balded lol, he always looks daft but he’ll be cool and that’s what matters.
Here’s to another glorious day in the sunshine.
BeYouTiful xx

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