Tuesday 9 July 2013

Another SMASHING Monday!

Tuesday 9th July 2013
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle
Mmm Monday’s is turning into a smashing day for me!  Last week I smashed the cooker door with a brick and this Monday I knocked my wing mirror off my car, the same one I had only had fixed a few weeks before!  Just a little bit of a numpty lately on a Monday it has to be said.  So yesterday turned out to be an expensive morning, I had my horn fixed on my car then he told me I needed to go get me a new tyre and as I was leaving I knocked the wing mirror off my car.
It was also a busy morning, the appointment at the doctors resulted in being fast tracked to the hospital just to be on the safe side, they called me within the hour – now that’s fast!  Appointment next week, I also had to go get my bloods taken so that meant a drive over the other side of town. 
I still managed to get the second coat on my two chalkboard fence panels and get four other panels painted too, all this painting is helping get me fit, being in the sunshine is making me feel good too, I feel great despite my aches and pains.
Reading a thread of Facebook yesterday about being body conscious made me realise I’m not anymore really.  I've not got the best looking legs in the world and for years I was self conscious of them, a lad at school used to call me banana legs and ouch that hurt, and of course when he realised how much, he continued more. So for years I wore trousers to hide them because of my insecurities, whilst obsessing and striving to get to a weight where at least the rest of me would look okay. Notice I say okay and not fabulous! Yes because back then I didn't believe it was possible for me to look fabulous.

These days I love my legs, they're still an odd shape - banana like I suppose but I don't care, I'm happily walking Alfie in shorts, not caring what they look like because ultimately it doesn't matter. What does matter is they work and they work well, most days they cover 8 miles or more, and they've carried me up many a mountain, so what they look like isn't important!

I'm 43, I can change my weight, alter my shape somewhat but I can't rebuild my basic starting point – what nature blessed me with and now I've realised that, embraced it and learned to love the skin I'm in, I'm so much happier.

Don't get me wrong, I have my wobbles, usually when I'm going out and I can't find anything to wear or when I'm in a changing room and all the outfits I'm trying on are making me feel deformed but they are short lived because I tell myself to get a grip.  Also I had those wobbles at every weight I’ve ever been, they aren’t ever about your size or weight they are about your personal insecurities because anyone can look fabulous in the right clothes at any weight.

If you're worried about wearing next to nothing on the beach this year because you don't have a perfect body, remember not many people do, and then think about all the things your body has done - child birth maybe! As for getting your kit off in front of a bloke, ladies I have it on good authority that all men see is a naked lady, they get excited, revert back to being teenage boys and all that's in their minds is the fact they are hopefully about to have sex - they don't really notice what your body looks like!
On that note have a wonderful day, don’t focus on the skinny focus on the healthy and happy it’s much more attractive. xx

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