Thursday 16 May 2013

Love eating I do!

16th May 2013
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
My names Beverley and I’m a foodie, yep it’s not actually an addiction but it really is something I love do it is eat, I love to try new foods or to eat something I haven’t had in a while or just remember an old favourite, I seriously do get a lot of satisfaction out of eating and why I love it even more these days is because I now manage to continue to behave this way and control my weight.
When I was a size 20, I used to say, “I just like food” but the reality back then was I just ate, it’s not the same thing.  Back then I would eat any old junk and I used to tend to eat it really quickly, not pausing to taste!  I’d eat it in a hurry in my car, at my desk anywhere I happened to be, a great deal of the time I ate emotionally because I was stressed and trying to distract myself.
These days I take my time, I like to think about what I want to eat, to plan it, then I enjoy shopping for the ingredients and cooking it, the sitting down at the table to eat it is just the final part of a delicious experience.  Yes I’m a foodie and proud.
Yesterday I indulged the foodie in me, I fried mushrooms, spring onions and spinach in a bit of water then added 20g St Agur and 2 cheese triangles to make a sauce which I had on a Warburton sandwich thin for my breakfast (6pp) total.

For lunch we had from the Co-op pumpkin & sage medaglioni (looked like ravioli to me) in a mushroom and St Agur mustard sauce with pine nuts and broccoli (12pp) total. 
And for Dinner I had smoked haddock, mash and spinach (8pp) total, a truly delicious day.  I adore mushrooms and I must remember to have them in my fridge at all times, I’ve realised you get a lot of smoked haddock for 4pp (200g).  St Agur is my favourite cheese and I could actually live on it daily but I don’t because then I’d be missing out on other things. 
Mmm what to eat today?  Decisions, decisions, as yet I don’t know, I do have a very delicious yogurt in the fridge that I want to have some of Rachel’s organic yogurts are to die for and her new limited edition flavour is lemon and ginger low fat, from memory I think I worked it out at 3pp for 100g, it’s like a proper desert, ooo actually it would be delicious on a meringue nest with fruit – that may be tomorrow when my mate comes for tea, yes that sounds like a plan, some nice raspberries thrown in, mmm.  I’m smiling now, see it’s fab being a foodie!  And I can spend some time now planning our main course for tomorrow – I love it ;)
I’m really looking forward to today, actually I’ve really enjoyed this last few weeks, there’s not greater pleasure than seeing people happy at the scales and today will be no exception, however the reason I’m really looking forward to today is because I’m doing Denise’s official gold / 300lb certificate award in the meeting as she hasn’t been able to stop due to work commitments until today.  A very proud, emotional morning ahead for me – I can’t wait.
As for you - EatGorgeous, BeYouTiful and have a delicious day. xx

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