Friday 17 May 2013

I wanna be an hour glass not an egg timer!

17th May 2013
A day of worrying is more exhausting than a day of work!
So I have no internet connection which doesn’t make me happy, been with Sky broadband a month and rang them yesterday because its slow and it finally got on my nerves, so he got me doing all kinds of tests and now I can’t connect at all and someone will get in touch within 72 hours – great joy.
Anyway now for the good stuff ;-) yesterday was truly an emotional morning, I presented Denise with her 300lb certificate and the entire meeting were fabulous in their congratulations.  Today I’m going to her house as the local paper is coming to take photographs and she wants a bit of moral support so a busy morning as I’m working off my laptop using my mobile personal hotspot to get internet via my 3G – yay to technology!
Well we’ve spent the week talking about our Summer Body Confidence Challenge, 8 weeks and what would we like to achieve, I’m going to take a look through my book this morning and start filling it in.  After listening to all my members, last night I decided that I too would like to get down into the next stone bracket, my motivation for doing that is that yesterday morning I put a skirt on I hadn’t worn for a good while, an elasticated waist which you would think would be great but NO it pulled me in so much I looked like an egg timer – not a good look trust me, there’s a big difference between hour glass and egg timer, ones all curvy and natural, the other is having your breathing interfered with and your circulation cut off!
SO yep down to business, no more maintaining, no more up a pound – down a pound, back to some serious sticking to my allowance and shifting those pounds.  I know you’ve heard it all before but it’s such a good tune isn’t it, and I’m happy to keep playing it for the rest of my life as long as I’m healthy and happy I know I will always battle against the bulge because I love to eat and drink and live life to the full, it’s a small price to pay for being content.
Feel free to join me over the next 8 weeks in our summer challenge, start by thinking about why you want to lose the weight and what you want to achieve.  We’re all more likely to want to lose the weight when we’re at home trying to get ready to go out and nothing fits, or when our back hurts because we’re carrying excess weight – yes in those moments it’s easy to think about the reasons why you should make healthier food choices.  However come Friday night when your other half suggests a takeaway and you’re tired, or Saturday night when you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine, you’re having a good time and someone offers you a third then it’s not so easy to recall those reasons is it because the pain you were feeling previously has been stored.  So why not write your reasons down on a little card or piece of paper and pop it in your purse or on your fridge or anywhere you might appreciate a reminder of WHY this is important to you, heck put notes everywhere and anywhere, in the biscuit tin, in the wine rack, in the fridge next to the cheese, on your dashboard in the car, anywhere where you need a reminder of why you’re doing this.
So let’s get real, don’t set those sights ridiculously high if you are unlikely to achieve them, you’ll be thrilled if you aim for 1/2lb a week and get 1lb, yet you’ll be gutted if you aim for 2lb a week and get 1lb.
So yes my goal after weigh in yesterday is now 7lb in 8 weeks, I’ve got a week’s holiday in that time also so this is serious now, I’m all about the weight loss ;-)
We can do this, all we need to do is, Eat Gorgeous, BeYouTiful and have delicious days (as always).

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