Monday 4 March 2013

How much are you worth? Do you value yourself?

4th March 2013
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not!

There’s nothing I enjoy more than a delicious plate of food with a fine glass of wine, yet this weekend food just hasn’t been on my radar, I’ve eaten obviously because it’s what we do to survive but I haven’t really thought much about it.  I cooked a leg of lamb out of the freezer yesterday but hadn’t been bothered to shop for ingredients so just had it with a bit veggie curry my sister had made me and some rice, then on the night I had 4 crackers and blue cheese, with a bit of celery and it was enough.  I did follow it with a 5 chunks of chocolate because I just fancied some and mom happened to have a bit in her cupboard.
This shows that as much as I love food, I’m not ‘addicted’ to it like some people believe they are, nor do I need it to feel good or enjoy myself, I’ve had a lovely relaxed weekend, yesterday consisted of sitting up my new table reading and chilling, we didn’t even bother with the television for most of the day.  Lynne bought the kids round for a couple of hours and we had a nice walk on the park too watching Alfie run round mental.
Now I’m no expert in Psychology and I have not phds or qualifications to back me up other than observation and experience but I believe sometimes when we’re obsessed with food it’s because we’re trying to distract ourselves from other problems or issues in our lives!  If we’re struggling with a situation or having a hard time that’s when food and our weight becomes more of an issue to us, we need to break the link between our successes and failures in our life and the things we shovel into our mouths.  Unfortunately our relationship with food was formed long ago when we were kids, mom would tell us we could have sweets because we’d been good all day, so now we treat it as a reward system and associate it with being ‘good’.  Food is most definitely tied in with our behaviours and emotions, and for me these days most certainly with my hormones.  So as we get older on one hand we allow ourselves on occasion to be decadent when we are being very good and we use food to comfort ourselves when we are down.  Unfortunately we have this schizophrenic relationship with food that me and by dieting we see being ‘good’ as going without food because we’re trying to lose weight!  What a nightmare situation people find themselves in. 
By behaving in this way we aren’t seeing food for what it actually is and until we do then we will continue to struggle with our relationship with it.  I’ve almost done it I think, not quite, I’ll still have my moments and I do still use food in an emotional way on occasion but now instead of thinking, “I just fancy an Indian takeaway to cheer me up”, I’m more likely to think “I just fancy an Indian, I haven’t had one for ages and Tandoori chicken is delicious and I just can’t make it myself at home”.  Because think about it, challenge the belief you may have that you want it to cheer you up, a chicken balti does not have the power to solve all your problems, probably the only reason you will feel better emotionally afterwards is because you value yourself enough to treat yourself!
And if you had problems before you went for the takeaway sure as hell you’ve still got them when you’ve eaten the dish!
There are other ways to value yourself, I’ve done a few this weekend, spend time with friends to talk about what your problems are (luckily I didn’t have any this weekend but you get me,  there really is nothing better than spending time with people you love.  Make time to relax or to do things you love, it may be as simple as having half hour reading a magazine with a cup of tea – we all need time out.
Food is not the solution to our problems and we don’t want to use it to reward or punish ourselves for the rest of our lives.  For successful long term weight loss, the plan needs to include permanent lifestyle changes, changing by the food you eat, how and why you eat and the way you think.
So instead of starving yourself, eat in a healthier way.  Don’t diet to become a different you, lose weight and Eat Gorgeous to become a healthier you.
You can have that bit of chocolate when you get the craving like I did last night but you don’t have to eat a slab to get the satisfaction you require and no matter how much you eat, you will still wake up the next morning with the same job, the same kids, the same bills and the same life – this is not Willy Wonka and his magic bar of chocolate with the golden ticket!
If you want to change something in your life or if you have a problem or situation that you wished you hadn’t, if you can change it do it – it may be difficult and it may take time but if you never start you’ll never change it.  If it’s something that can’t be changed and you have to live with it, work out how you can do that without it making you miserable – they’ll be a way if you think long enough.  Sometimes just accepting a situation and stop fighting it works!
Yes eating well, losing weight can make you feel healthier and more energetic, it may even give you a confidence boost, these are by-products of a healthy diet more so that the result of losing weight.  The best predictor for liking your body is not the size of it or even how attractive you are; it’s how you value yourself – your self esteem and that is something you can’t buy!
Something you can buy however is good wholesome food and that’s exactly what I’m off to do today, I’m actually craving a plate of spinach!  I’m not weird at all much; I won’t have it said ;-)
My list consists of fruit and veggies, eggs, fish, chicken, cottage cheese, 0% Greek yogurt, wholemeal pasta, WW pitta breads, crumpets, lambs liver, lean bacon medallions, steak, gammon.  That should be enough to knock up some scrumptiousness that’ll make me feel good.
Hope you’ve woke up feeling as positive as I have, have a fabulous day xx

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