Tuesday 5 March 2013

Another day, another dollar.

5th March 2013
Sex appeal is 50% what you've and 50% what people think you've got!
I’ve realised I repeat myself on my blog, but then I’ve realised we repeat ourselves continually through our life if you think about it.  Life is full of repetitive acts - cooking, eating, cleaning, working, sleeping and for me the secret of happiness is to enjoy those repetitive acts because that’s what takes up most of your time.  So many people live for the weekend or the annual holiday, I wake up on a Monday and think “YAY it’s Monday” because I enjoy every one of my days not just the weekends.
Yesterday was no exception, my Monday morning meeting is a quiet one and yesterday we had a lovely chat, we ran over by ten minutes and it was okay because everyone was okay for time.  In meetings like that, I don’t just share my knowledge and experiences, I learn too and it’s great to be in that situation. 
Followed filling and healthy yesterday, went shopping for the good healthy stuff, I’m having a milk dilemma at the moment!  I was reading a novel, easy chick read and then BANG in one chapter she visits a farm in Devon where they have ZG cows which meant zero grazing, cows that never get to leave the shed and walk through fields and eat the grass.  I don’t like that all at, so I’ve trying to find out which milk comes from healthy, happy cows, I know it’s going to cost me more but I can’t knowingly eat/drink anything that came from an unhappy creature, it’s bad enough they have to die for our food, at least make their time on this planet comfortable and as enjoyable as possible. From what I’ve found out so far, if it has a red tractor logo on then you’re choosing good animal welfare standards and it’s sourced from the UK.  I found some in Sainsbury’s, Moo Milk it was called and their UHT skimmed was on offer if you bought 6, they also do organic milk which means that their cows only eat crass that is free of pesticides and fertilisers and are cared for using natural methods.  There’s been all this controversy about the horse meat at the moment but if you really stop and think about all the other things that make it into our foods from pesticides and fertilisers to e-numbers and additives, it all makes you wander for sure!  When you mention organic people say ‘yeah but it don’t taste any different’, I’ve realised it isn’t just about tasting different, it’s about what’s been added to it and sprayed on it also!  Organic means food which is produced using environmentally and animal friendly farming methods on organic farms, it recognises the direct connection between our health and how the food we eat is produced. Artificial fertilisers are banned and farmers develop fertile soil by rotating crops and using compost, manure and clover.  Organic animals enjoy the very highest welfare standards – they are truly free range and have plenty of space and access to fields. It also means hydrogenated fats and controversial additives like aspartame, tartrazine and MSG are banned under organic standards.  Yes it is more expensive but hopefully the more popular it gets, the cheaper it will get.
If you’d like to look at the info yourself http://www.redtractor.org.uk or http://www.soilassociation.org/ are good starting places, and if you’re brave enough google ‘zero grazing’, it isn’t pretty!
On a lighter note, jacket potato and cottage cheese – I’m sorry its just wrong!  I’ve tried it and I wouldn’t want it gain, I like both separately but together they’re a bit no-no.  I did enjoy smoked haddock and stir fry for lunch though and have made a chicken and spinach curry for today, using Harjit’s (she’s my helper on Wednesday) authentic recipe, I made mine quite mild as I’m not a ‘heat’ fan and I used frozen garlic, ginger and chilli, I’ve realised the secret is patience, it takes a lot longer to make than I’d normally spend putting a curry together!  Also I realise the difference between our appetites, Harjit told me it made 6-7 portions, no way would I get any more than 4 out of it!  Here’s the recipe;
Harjits Chicken Curry Serves around 6-7.
(16pp total or completely F&H if you haven’t used your oil allowance that day)
2-3 teaspoons Olive Oil (3-4pp),
4 Onions, Garlic, Ginger , 1-2 (3-4 if you like it spicy) Green Chilli
2 teaspoons Jeera (Cumin Seeds), 1-2 teaspoons Haldi (Tumeric),
½ large can Tomatoes (Blended), 1-2 teaspoons Salt,
1 teaspoon Garam Masala, 500g chicken breast (12pp), Fresh Coriander (Optional)

1. Heat oil in saucepan and add chopped onions & salt.
2. After 5-10 mins add garlic, ginger, chilli & jeera (cumin seeds)
3. Cook for around 20 mins if onions start sticking to the pan add water.
4. Once onions are browned and softened add 1-2 teaspoons of haldi (Tumeric), cook for around 10 mins until the colouring separates from the onions.
5. Once the above has cooked add half a tin of tomatoes and cook for around 5-10 mins.
6. When tomatoes have blended in with the onions add chicken, cook chicken for about 10 mins and then add boiled water and simmer until water has thickened and chicken is tender.
7. Once chicken has cooked add garam masala and stir and garnish with fresh coriander.
8. Serve with a jacket potato or brown rice if you’re on F&H day.  If on ProPoints day (add the extra ProPoints of course) basmati rice (60g dried = 6pp)  & chappati's (average size 55g - made with fat 6pp, without fat 3pp) or naan breads (vary in pp) & natural yogurt.  

The base is the same for every curry so you can add vegetables if required.
Here’s to another fabulously, repetitive day, we are hoping to book our summer holiday today – woo hoo!  Filling & Healthy for me again, thinking crumpets for brekkie with poached egg, curry and rice for main meal and I’m thinking what to have for my other meal.  Need some WW pittas and petit pains from the shop!
Eat Gorgeous & BeYouTiful because you are xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bev

    I read an article some years ago now about what food were worth buying organic and what foods weren't. Milk was top of the list of things you should buy and I've been buying organic ever since. I think meat was high up there too. Surprisingly a lot of the fruit and vegetables were not.

    If I come across the article again I'll let you know, it was interesting reading!

    Nicky x
