Sunday 6 January 2013

Stop trying to swim up the waterfall!

6th January 2013
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings, 1955
I’ve just got up because to be honest I’m tired up of dreaming!   Do you know the ones where you’re not really tired anymore but you don’t want to get up, unfortunately the slumber you return to is full of short dreams, ones where you actually know you’re dreaming, well that’s what I was having and I couldn’t be doing with them!  So here I am instead at 6.15am, it’s a damn good job I enjoy early nights otherwise I’d be exhausted ;-)
Always check Facebook first and I’ve had an email from a friend, who has been in and out of my life on and off since school, we’ve never been ‘close’ friends but pals all the same.  I’ve just realised, this lady has known me for a good thirty years, probably longer than anyone else in my life now that isn’t actually related.  We were in the same year at school, we worked together in our early twenties and now we have met again through Facebook and Weight Watchers.   Anyway without revealing the content of the message, one thing she said was, “You’re so sorted Bev, I know it’s not always roses but you’ve got it sussed.”  So as I made my cup of tea, I thought about this, that’s when I realised how long I’d known her and how much I’ve changed.  Oh dear when I was at school, I was so angry, probably angry with the universe for making me ill, being different in school isn’t good, standing out when you want to fit in ;(.  Then I thought about when we worked together, I was a different kind of angry, cold almost, a bit stiff, I was trying to fit in a world, well that I just didn’t!  It was me at all, I wasn’t a party animal, wild one, I wasn’t a business lady either – none of it was me and I was uncomfortable, but I tried to fit in again.
As I sit here now, I’m content because I’ve stopped trying to fit it, I decided to be me, and see what happened, I’m not even sure if it was a conscious decision.  My last unhappy memory of trying to be someone else would be a conference I’d organised for a few hundred, the only help I had was from a fresh out of uni graduate who was absolutely loving her new role, I on the other hand was not.  I was fine with all the organising side of it; it was the pretentiousness that I wasn’t good with.  That weekend I went on a ‘personal development weekend’, I’d done a few of these, I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted from life because I just didn’t feel like I’d found it. A lot of tears were shed that weekend as I told them I hated my job and the job I wanted to do (Weight Watcher leader) I didn’t know if I could make enough money to pay my mortgage and all my bills.  Everyone had advise for me as you can imagine, but realism kept telling me I only had two meetings and wasn’t guaranteed anymore and two meetings would not even feed up let alone pay the bills.  But the organiser of the weekend eventually got a bit angry with me because he couldn’t talk me round; I was being way to logical for his liking so he started ‘attacking’ me almost, only verbally but making me feel threatened.  It was the best thing anyone could have done, he asked me what would happen if I didn’t earn enough money being a Weight Watcher leader, and whatever I answered, he barked, “And then what!?”  It got a bit ridiculous, until I was saying, I’ll be homeless and hungry etc, and it went on for a while but suddenly the light bulb went on in my head.  I realised what he was doing, he’d made me realise there is NOTHING I can’t deal with, NOTHING I can’t sort if only I’m brave enough to try!  So that’s what I did.
I came home and chatted with mom, told her everything, said how I was worried because I wanted to keep her in the lifestyle she’d got used to, at which she laughed and said, I’d rather be hungry and see you happy than the opposite.  The next day I handed my notice in on a job with a good wage, a pension and a company car allowance!  Best move ever!
Times were tight for a while, especially as I had a huge credit card bill I was trying to get under control (you spend too much money when you’re unhappy to try and get happy – it doesn’t work!), I used to go bargain hunting in supermarkets and my new mantra became, “do you need?  If so is it the cheapest?  If you don’t need it and just want it – put it back!”
So here I sit today, me, the real me, I’m still a bit of a complex character, I get up and be the me I want to be each day, sometimes that ‘me’ is a different version of the usual me.  My close friends laugh because they realise there are multiple versions of Beverley and the closer you get to me the more of them you see.  No I’m not schizophrenic ;-) I’m just multi-faceted and by embracing all parts of my personality and going with how I feel on any given day, I’ve found a balance, a balance I absolutely love. 
I do wish, ‘tidy Bev’ would make an appearance though cos my house really could do with a sort out, but I’m just not feeling the cleaning vibe at all, ‘sod it Bev’ is firmly in-situ for the foreseeable I think.  Hey ho, I know after years of being me that it all gets sorted in the end, I have cycles and I go with the flow, it’s the only way to live, have you ever watched the Salmon trying to swim up a waterfall, way too difficult!  Not impossible of course, but I’ll leave that to those who really want to fight the tide, me I stopped trying to fight my natural version of me, I’m embracing the real me and it’s working out.
Have a lovely day whatever you’re doing. xx

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