Saturday 5 January 2013

Me & my life are amazing because...

5th January 2013
Genuine kindness is no ordinary act, but a gift of rare beauty. Sylvia Rosetti
I just love this idea, my bestie posted the photo on her Facebook page and I wanted to share, just in case you can’t see the image for whatever reason telling you to get an empty glass jar and throughout the year add a note every time something good happens. Then at the end of the year empty your jar and read how amazing your life was in 2013. Remember those ‘good’ things don’t have to be huge things, my first one would be the brilliant book I finished reading yesterday, “The Half Life of Hannah” by Nick Alexander, it was a great read, enjoyable from the first page to the last page, I didn’t find myself wanting to skim to get to the next chapter, I just devoured the entire book. And for 20p as a kindle book – wow, I’ve already downloaded another of Nicks books and am a few chapters in already, it’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed reading so much.
You could also do a gratitude jar so everything in your life you are grateful for write it down and pop it in and when you’re having a bad day, open the jar and see all the good you have in your life. OR I like this idea, what about a “I’m doing my best” jar, we all know how difficult it is to make the right food choices and to stay on track so every time you do make a wise choice, or try a new recipe, or go for a walk, write it down and pop it in the jar, call it your ‘best effort’ jar, you could even pop your trackers in, it doesn’t even have to be a jar it could be a notepad. Then when you’re having a tough day you can read about how far you’ve come already and how much progress you’re making. It’s the little, continual, doable changes you make that will lead you to success long term, not those big grand gestures remember. Yeah I think I’ll go for the notepad idea, I’m going to do a “Me & my life are amazing because” book, and in it I’m going to write all the wonderful things that happen to me, all the things I’m grateful for and the little things I do that mean I’m taking care of myself and helping me to become a healthier version of myself! Ooo I likes that idea, I likes pretty notepads, of course I shall need a new one ;-) a trip to WH Smiths I think with my £20 gift token I have – what a fabulous idea, it’ll be like a diary but not because diaries are quite difficult to keep if you have to write everyday, that’s how I’ve always felt about them in the past anyway, until I started blogging of course which I don’t actually see as a diary but I suppose it is – I’m waffling now aren’t I?!
So there are diet’s being advertised and programmes on tele all the time at the moment, everyone’s trying to give you the ultimate solution aren’t they! There isn’t one, there isn’t a cure, mom called me from the living room the other day, “Bev, you gotta come and look at this woman, she’s had a drastic band”, I smiled, and informed her she meant gastric not drastic, although thinking about it I prefer moms terminology, it suits the procedure better I feel. Obviously I can’t put myself inside anyone else’s mind so I don’t know how these people feel so I would never judge or advise them otherwise, personally though I couldn’t do surgery. If someone offered me a procedure and the outcome was guaranteed, I would wake up and be my ideal weight for the rest of my life, the only side effect would be that I would no longer enjoy food or red wine, that I would merely eat to survive, it wouldn’t be pleasurable it would just be something I did like going to the toilet – I’d decline the offer!
I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life and I’m happy to continue to do so if it means that when I sit down to eat an amazing meal with a glass of red wine, I experience the pleasure that I do now. Yep I’ll stick with the struggle; I’ll continue to work on taming my appetite and eating gorgeous.
It’s so worth the hard work! Because in my world there are things that taste better than being skinny feels! Stilton, parma ham, fried eggs to name just a few, whoever wrote that quote, “nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels” had obviously had the procedure I mentioned earlier that makes you lose your lust for food and your tastebuds! On that note I’m off to achieve some good things to write in my “Me & my life are amazing because” book…
Enjoy your day. xx


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