Thursday 6 December 2012

The blue sky is always there!

6th December 2012
A good laugh is sunshine in a house. William Makepeace Thackeray
My bestie has made me an advent calendar and its wicked, every time I open a box I laugh out loud, you can’t get any better medicine for those days when you wake up tired or a little delicate, this mornings window had this in it;
Bringing back a memory of a shopping trip where we had lots of giggles, because, that I have realised is what life is all about, getting through it having as much fun as possible, because as we all know, sometimes it can be touch! 
What’s also important to remember is darker days are just as much a part of life as the lighter ones!  We all love a day full of sunshine with the perfect clear blue sky, but even when that sky’s cloudy the blue sky is still there!  Darker days are just as much a part of life as are the sunshine days; they can help give us a different perspective of our world, while helping us to appreciate the brighter moments that inevitably follow.   Of course this is true both of the weather and life in general, you can always put a positive spin on anything if you try hard enough, sometimes it make take more effort but it can always be done.  I also find telling myself that a bad situation won’t last and I will feel better tomorrow helps enormously too.  Just like the clouds, mishaps and incidents occasionally block the brilliance that is our life but just keep remembering clouds eventually clear and we are strong enough to handle anything that life throws at us!
The next time you wake up to a cloudy grey day, see that grey day as silver, and remember that these shades of grey in life are there just for the moment.
Its 19 sleeps till Christmas - exciting or scary!  I’m aware that it’s 19 opportunities to either do some damage to my weight on the scales or do some good to make those scales smile, today I’m opting for doing some good, I’ve had a slice of toast for my breakfast, I’m defrosting some chicken to make a curry and some smoked basa fish to do something else with that I haven’t decided yet!  I’m using up the freezer contents before my holiday.
This last few weeks in meetings has been fantastic for success, golds galore, Simon hit his 3 stone mark last night and now has the most amazing attitude to his weight loss, it’s taken him this year to change that attitude but I’m sure he’d agree it was worth it.  Catherine his her 12 stone loss mark last night – truly inspirational, lots of 5 and 10% handed out, and just so many of you still managing to hold it together despite the time of year and even those of you that aren’t managing to hold it together, you’re still coming to limit the damage as much as possible.  I’m sure that the new approach and the new science we’re talking about in the meeting this week will help us all even more, I’m enjoying handing out those new red folders and explaining what it’s all about, and we’re all having a giggle at the same time which is a bonus!
Have a fabulous day, say Merry Christmas to everyone you pass or just smile and say hello, let’s spread some winter cheer shall we!

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