Friday 7 December 2012

I loves food I do - I'm just wired that way!

7th December 2012
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.John Quincy Adams

Yay it’s Friday, it may be dark outside but I’m really looking forward to my weekend of rest, as next weekend my brother and his wife will arrive and then the weekend after that we’re off on holiday.   So I will make the most of the piece and tranquillity this week before a few weeks spent celebrating the madness that is the Christmas get together ;-)
I’ve had a fabulous week in my meetings, loving sharing all the new science with members and now we can spend the rest of the month getting our head round it all and limiting the damage leading up to Christmas.  It’s too easy isn’t it, in just two weeks I’ve gained 5lb so I know I can’t be trusted to not track and at least be aware of what I’m doing.  I’m going to use Weight Watchers new Three Way Approach to help me take back control of my overloaded food environment so I can make my weight loss effort even easier!  I will be starting that today by accepting that I will not have the strength to walk round the supermarket on December 22nd and shop in a sensible manner, I know myself too well.  I acknowledge that by then I will be so excited because I’m on holiday and it’s Christmas and I am surrounded by a shop full of goodies that I will spend way too much money and buy far too much food.  Therefore we have booked a delivery slot for the 21st and today we will do the shopping online whilst we are calm and rational and aware of the fact we’ve already gained 5lb and if we don’t get a grip that could easily be doubled or worse before January 1st 2013!
I am taking back control, I am not going to leave it to chance, it’s choice not chance that decides the outcome!  We will have time doing it online to plan what we need, how much and what is the best option.  Don’t get me wrong, we shall still be enjoying lots of goodies, but they will be planned and we will be aware of our choices not reacting on impulse because we’re suffering from a bout of hedonic hunger! (Don’t know what hedonic hunger is? Then you need to come to the meeting to find out!  See you next week)
So yesterday I tracked for the first time in just over two weeks, and I cooked a delicious lunch, who needs Jamie’s 15 minutes, when I can make my own up!  It did take a mere 15 minutes from start to finish and seriously I don’t eat pasta very often but this was to die for, mom bless her is really struggling with her appetite at the moment, and yet she polished her plate off quicker than me – never been know!
Served 2 people - 12pp each
12pp (120g) brown spaghetti
2pp worth of Weight Watcher low fat spread
6pp (2 x 125g) smoked basa
1pp - 2 x laughing cow light blue cheese triangle
2pp worth of low fat cheese & chive spread
4 small courgettes sliced
2 red peppers chopped
Melt low fat spread and fry courgettes and peppers, stirring often to get the veg covered in spread, it looks horrible but trust me it's gonna taste amazing!
Meanwhile put spaghetti on for 12 minutes, after 6 minutes add the smoked basa so it will poach whilst the spaghetti continues to cook.  Drain water off spaghetti & basa, then mix in the soft cheese and triangles, put on plate and serve with veggies - AMAZING if I do say so myself.
What inspired the dish and how sad is this to admit was that I dreamt about courgettes fried in butter then night before!  I think it was because I knew I had some in the fridge and when we ate out last Sunday they’d cooked the leeks in butter and they were delicious.  The Weight Watcher dairy spread tasted just as good, it looked a little odd when I first started cooking but the outcome was delicious and there’s a lot of it for two ProPoints.
Okay I’m off, shall be having another tracking day today, need to keep it under Control, it’s only the 7th, Christmas day isn’t until the 25th.  Oooo must go open my Advent window, hold on…….
J It’s a photo of a pint of Guinness, and I do believe Lynne will be me a can today so that’s a bonus! Yes I will put it on my tracker, I actually earned 6pp on my wineometer (pedometer sorry) yesterday so it’s covered!
Have a fantastic Friday; remember life is really good if you just look at it in a certain way. xx

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