Wednesday 14 November 2012

Warning! Do not feed the Ogres!

14th November 2012
If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. Roald Dahl

Loving my meetings this week, it’s great to see that light go on in peoples eyes sometimes, I think a few are leaving feeling ready to try something they hadn’t thought about when they walked in!  You can’t beat that, not in my line of work, it’s a wonderful feeling to actually get people thinking and believing they can.
I’m feeling pretty focused this week, not sure if it’s the fact I’ve slept so well or just because I’ve had a mindshift and feel positive and the changes I’ve been making and the progress I having.  It’s helped that the couple of ready made ‘posh’ meals I’ve bought and eaten from Sainsbury’s and Waitrose haven’t really blown me away and have made me realise that my Weight Watcher recipes and my own recipes I’ve invented are tastier to me than those meals I paid quite a price for at the weekend.  Yep I’ve turned into a dab hand in the kitchen if I do say so myself!  Of course I’m not saying everyone would like my food but I do and that’s what’s important. 
I love that when I shop I naturally veer towards good wholesome foods, the majoring of my trolley is made up of Filling and Healthy foods, then the rest balances that out and of course the odd treat thrown in too.  
I’m really paying attention when I eat and realising that certain foods aren’t as amazing as the label we put on them, chips especially are the one food I’ve noticed that about, the addition of salt, pepper, vinegar and ketchup is what makes them taste so good.  I have rekindled my love of Yorkshire pudding and poached eggs, hadn’t had either for a while now they are going on my shopping list regularly.  I would definitely recommend you start actually paying attention eat with more awareness and taste your food, are you eating it because its delicious or because it’s there.  Worse still are you eating it because you think you shouldn’t - because it is on the ‘naughty – shouldn’t really eat because you’re trying to lose weight’ rebellious list!  I know you have such a list even if you don’t realise it, it’s amazing what we find ourselves doing subconsciously then don’t understand why, many a member says to me, “I’ve just eaten everything and anything this week and I don’t know why”, that’s your subconscious ogre whispering to you to eat those foods, trying to convince you that you’ll never lose weight, you’re just not good enough to be slim – you deserve to be fat, so why are you even bothering, don’t you want a chocolate biscuit, wouldn’t you rather have that bag of crisps, or that plate of chips. If you do all that now then you can stop with this silliness, stop believing in yourself, you know you’re just not good enough to have the body you desire.  EAT, EAT, EAT!
Yes that horrible ogre is deep inside you quite painfully informing you that you have NO CHANCE!  Feels quite horrible to read that doesn’t it, did it feel like I was attacking you as you read it, it certainly felt that way as I was typing it!  What was worse was I don’t even know where that came from as it wasn’t the direction I was intending this blog to go.  However I think I’ve just realised that ogre has been trying to talk to me the last few days, I’ve felt really positive and focused, especially having the realisation that I don’t need/want to drink a glass of wine every day, that feels quite a huge decision because normally I’d be making that decision because I felt I should not because I wanted to.  Yet a part of me (my ogres – ugly bitch she is!) keeps whispering “we’ve been here before!  You know you’ll last a few weeks at most being wine free on a week day, then something will happen or your members will forget you said it and you’ll go straight back to pouring that glass, then if someone does mention it in the coming months you’ll laugh it off, because that’s what you always do!”  WOW she really is a nasty, evil, conniving bitch isn’t she, well she can go get stuffed because I’m not listening to her predictions, I’m steering my own ship and making my own way and what happens next is MY decision and she will not influence the outcome! 
I’ve gagged her – I suggest you do the same because sometimes to succeed, you need to get out of your own way, and in most cases, it’s the subconscious mind that gets in your way.” Yes the subconscious mind. It’s what drives our behaviour and in some cases, weight loss failure can stem from a fear of success that you’re not even aware of. For those who come up with every excuse under the sun as to why you can’t or won’t exercise, it’s the subconscious mind that’s stopping you. It’s what’s steering your ship! 
Of course there are many issues which contribute to struggles we have with weight loss, many of those struggles are due to our subconscious mind which cause us to give in and eat foods we consciously know are bad for us, and end up feeling guilty, frustrated and angry with ourselves for having given in and thus repeat the cycle.
Well today I’ve decided to STOP that cycle and drown my orgres or maybe I’ll suffocate her!  Who’s with me?
I’d say cheers but I’m not drinking today ;-)
It’s all about taking care of YOU! xx

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