Tuesday 13 November 2012

There's always a way to enjoy good food & lose weight!

13th November 2012
Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.   St. Augustine
So my attempt to include more Filling & Healthy foods worked a treat, I also made sure I drank more water, so my day looked like this;
Breakfast – mushrooms, tomatoes, yellow pepper, spring onion, fried egg, weight watcher bread. Total 6pp
Lunch – salad leaves, red pepper, Buffalo mozzarella, parma ham Total 15pp
Tea – Leek & Mustard Bake (1/2 of the photo – I only cooked enough for two so I don’t have to have twice) Total 6pp
So these are the F&H foods used by me yesterday were;
Mushrooms, tomatoes, pepper, spring onion, fried egg, weight watcher bread, salad leaves, leeks, skimmed milk, so 9 in total not bad when there was only 8 that weren’t! 
However a facebook friend managed 11 in one meal!  OMG now that’s impressive isn’t it!  She gets even more impressive with her adapting techniques to lower the ProPoints in the recipe, the ingredients were;
Ready to Eat Puy Lentils, Healthy Living Steak Mince, Tomatoes, Ginger, Spring Onions, Red Chilli, Coriander, Fat free greek yoghurt, Wholegrain rice, French beans and frozen peas.
The recipe she cooked was from Jamie Oliver’s new 15 minute recipe book (my copy arrived yesterday) She made Beef Kofta Curry with Fluffy Rice, Beans and Peas on page 66, now if you cook it exactly as it says it works out at 22pp, however if you tweak it here and there, use spray oil instead of tablespoons of olive oil, use healthy living mince not ordinary, nor lean and leave the poppadoms off you can bring it down to a staggering 14pp (this is the sort of thing we’re looking at in this weeks meeting).  That really is amazing, knocking 8pp off a meal is just brilliant and she assures me it still tasted delicious, that 8pp could cover a dessert and a glass of wine – it’s all about spending that ProPoint budget wisely. 
Talking about wine I’ve decided to have wine free days Monday to Wednesday, 3 days a week to give my body a rest, I do only have a glass usually those nights anyway so like I’ve said above it’s about using those ProPoints wisely, if I only have a currency of 231pp total for the week (26pp daily & 49pp weekly) then I can live without the odd glass of wine to enable me to indulge in the odd ball of Buffalo Mozzarella for 10pp – it was lush.  I also realise if I open a particularly delicious bottle on any of those nights, I can be tempted to have another glass which isn’t a great idea on a school night, and so to take that temptation away, I won’t open the bottle!  There are some things we can always find the room for isn’t there and red wine and a blue cheese would be mine!  What’s yours?
Anyway Jemma the clever facebook friend ended her day having eating 24 different Filling and Healthy foods for a total of 28pp – WOW!   And it looked like this;
Breakfast - 2 x crumpets, fat free Greek yoghurt, blueberries, raspberries
Lunch - red peppers, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, courgettes, butternut squash, onions, wholewheat cous cous

Dinner - extra lean minced beef, spring onions, puy lentils, coriander, tomatoes, peas, french beans, ginger, red chilli, fat free Greek yoghurt - and would have been wholegrain rice if I had it but had to use basmati
Snacks - 1 banana, 1 satsuma, 1/3 tin of peaches
Looking at that I’ve just realised it could have been 25 if she’d had wholegrain rice, seriously well done, plus the meals looked amazing too.  It looks so attractive that lunch does – makes you want to try couscous if you haven’t already doesn’t it!
This is your challenge for the week, how many F&H foods can you include into your day, your week, how healthy can you make your diet yet still ensure it’s enjoyable?
On that note, I’ll get off, want to check my fridge for ideas, also want to write a shopping list for that Jamie recipe to make at the weekend maybe, nom nom.
Have a truly Filling & Healthy Tuesday.
Remember it’s all about taking care of YOU! xx

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