Sunday 23 September 2012

Stupid O'clock time to be up on a Sunday!

23rd September 2012

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love Mother Teresa
Just a quick one this morning, up at stupid o'clock on a Sunday as I’m off to our Weight Watcher conference to meet up with all the other leader ladies I know, some of whom I’ve never met, I’ve only communicated with virtually, so that’ll be interesting!  I’ve washed and blow dried my hair and everything, heels the lot, if I do say so myself I look like a proper lady - even if I can’t walk very far.

Yesterday I really enjoyed my Weight Watcher meeting (this is me getting to be the member), my new meeting mate Sylvia lost 4lb, WOW, and she abstained from alcohol for the week (her choice), in the meeting talk she called me her new mate and she told our leader I’m now her AA sponsor ;-)  It was a fab meeting and I really enjoyed talking to the group I sat by, one ladies even going to make us cupcakes next week, she’s going to make Weight Watcher low ProPoint versions, I’ve told her to bring extra so we can buy more- for my mom of course!
After the meeting me and Lynne went for a coffee in Asda to catch up then for a walk round the shop, we sampled on of the tasters they had, the assistant said, “it’s strawberry cheesecake”, we both pulled an unpleasant face and she said, “It’s a Weight Watcher cheesecake”, at which we burst into laughter – not the best sales pitch from two leaders is it, pulling our face at the samples!  That made us chuckle as we then proceeded to walk round the shop smiling at everyone and giggling because they were all being very miserable, life really is too short!

Anyway the Poundland problem I have, I need to point out that not everything in Poundland is cheap, they have Weight Watcher bagels 4 for £1, in Morrisons they’re 6 for 67p! and the crisps only normally have 4 in the packet, the cereals are in smaller boxes as are a lot of things, so check first – remember that saying all that glitters isn’t gold and if it looks too good to be true it usually is.
So enjoy your Sunday, remember we’re glowing for it so stay strong, you can make it through the weekend, I know you can.  xx

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