Monday 24 September 2012

Bit rough round the edges, but still a diamond apparently!

24th September 2012
The world steps aside to let any man pass if he knows where he is going. David S. Jordan

Well yesterday was a long day, up at 4am, out at 6am and home at 8.30pm WOW now wonder I’ve just slept so well.  It was lovely to see so many ladies even if only briefly, and always great to get to spend the day with your bestie ;-)
Watching ladies go up for their 10, 15 and 20 year long service awards was just fantastic, I worked out I’ll be 44 or 45 when I get my 10 year, then 60 should I make the 20 year on!
I was sitting on my chair with my shoes kicked off watching all the lovely ladies go up onto the stage, listening to what their members had said about them, unfortunately I kept missing a lot of what was said because I was by the door and it would appear that a lot of Weight Watcher leaders need Tena ladies from the amount of trips to the toilets that were made throughout the day, and unfortunately a lot of them didn’t know how to catch a door before it went SLAM!  So all I heard was my name (I missed the wonderful words that were said by my member, hopefully I will be able to find out what they were from my ASM or RM this week), I wasn’t expecting to hear my name so picked up my high heels in my hand and ran down to the stage to be presented with my diamond leader award, that makes me a triple diamond leader as it was my third!  I did get the photographer to wait whilst I put my heels back on for the photo ;-)
I’m stunned I really didn’t expect it!  My priority in the work I do is to help my members lose weight and feel great, to make them realise they are already gorgeous and that they want to lose weight to take care of themselves because they are amazing.  And I have so many wonderful members that you all make that a really enjoyable job for me, so thank you all.  To actually get an award for that is a bonus, to be acknowledged for doing something I’m absolutely passionate about is simply a lovely feeling.  Of course helping me provide the service we do is down to the fact I have the BEST helpers in the world, without my team I couldn’t do any of it and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, these ladies are just brilliant.  I lose one of them at the end of this year, Kath from my Bloxwich meeting has helped me since I took over that meeting 8 years ago, she’s been a clerk there long before I arrived and I will miss her very much, she’s like family!  So a BIG CUDDLY LOVELY HUG TO ALL OF YOU!  You’ll recognise me this week – I’ll be the one with the even bigger smile than usual!
And to make the day even better, my bestie Lynne got her diamond leader award too, as did Elle who was my member before becoming a leader and actually still is so I was rather proud.  I was also very pleased for a leader on another area ‘Cayla’ who was disappointed that she didn’t get it last time.  Honestly though there are so many passionate leaders out there, we’re all very different with different qualities and personalities and we all want to help, which makes us all precious gems. x
So that pretty much consumed yesterday, foodwise I wasn’t ridiculously bad, I had a slice of fruit cake at 7am on the coach, I resisted the chocolates, the Danish pastries and the juice and opted for water.  For lunch I did indulge in the starter, a nice spoonful of coleslaw (I really must make my own version, it was shredded extremely thin and delicious), I also had cold pasta salad with Mediterranean veg and sultanas (I will definitely be attempting this dish nom nom).  By the time we got to the main course it had all gone!  There were carrots and peas left and some very unappetising looking salmon, so one of the waiters went and got us some spinach tortellini and I ate a bit of that with 2 bread rolls!   No pudding was had though, and then I didn’t eat again until I was home when I had a fried egg toastie mmmmmm!  Oh yes I did I had a bag of Weight Watchers crisps on the coach and very nice they were too, sour cream I think.
Back in control of my food and on track this morning, I’ve already got a bottle of water by the side of my desk to encourage me to drink regularly and I plan to move my fruit bowl to the kitchen because I go in there more throughout the day than I do the living room, I might even do a smaller bowl in my office!
Mushrooms on toast for breakfast, or a mushroom omelette, I’ll decide in an hour when I’m a little more awake.
Monday morning everyone – let’s get on it!  Get to your goal and help make me worthy of this certificate xx

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