Thursday 6 September 2012

Grow up & be yourself! This weight loss lark - totally DO-ABLE!

6th September 2012

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi
Life isn’t always about the happy!  It’s not always easy, and it’s rarely perfect.  My diary asks me a question every day and yesterday that question was “where do you see yourself in five years?”  I was glad to be able to answer it simply with, “Here, doing the same things, just as I planned – slowing down”.  Yes even with any of the daily issues in my life and everything that’s been going on of late, I have the life I decided I wanted and I am content, extremely content.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t smile all the time, and I do have my moans (I’m rather good at that), luckily I have a great mate who I share moaning turns with, although we don’t call it moaning we call it chatting, she helps to keep me sane on the tough days and in return I do the same for her, sometimes those we both have those days together and that can make for interesting conversation!

Yep I’ve said it before and no doubt I’ll say it again, it’s a habit I’m picking up from my mom, keep repeating yourself it till you get a response or you know someone’s heard - if you don’t like your life change it, if you do then enjoy it, even the rough stuff, because when life gets tough, we can buckle or we can bend!
My perfect day would be walking up naturally which would still be about 6am, then blogging, followed by taking Alfie for a long walk until he leads me home in his own time.  Then a few hours in the kitchen cooking, followed by a bath before eating what I’d cooked, drinking a few glasses of wine and chilling in front of the TV watching something good, ending with an early night.  BLISS!  Aren’t I easily pleased?  Finally it’s the simple things in life that please me; it’s only take 42 years to get there.

I was listening to an audio book yesterday morning, the character was a teacher and I got to thinking about what I was like at school and how we try to be something we’re not to ‘fit in’ and how difficult that is to resist your true self, your true personality.  And yet once I stopped and became the ‘real me’ not only did I start to enjoy my life more, people actually seemed to like the real me.  Yes it’s really difficult at school to actual realise who you are and what direction you want to take but that gets easier as you get older, and now I’m exactly who I am and where I want to be, it’s a good feeling.
I was talking to a member who after seeing two of my gorgeous gold members who’ve lost their weight and kept it off asked me if she could ever get there bearing in mind how much she had to lose.  I could totally understand how she must have felt, sometimes the enormity of it all seems just to much, and the more you have to lose I’m guessing the harder it feels.  However we did the maths, and it worked out at a target of losing 7 stone which is 98lb which at 2lb a week is 49 weeks just under a year, or 3 weeks off for holiday and Christmas.  At 1lb a week 96 weeks which is just under two years, or at somewhere inbetween where we decided was most realistic – next Christmas, she’s decided to aim for her goal by Christmas 2013 it may seem a long way off but it isn’t, this Christmas is only 109 days away!  It soon flys, so if you feel overwhelmed by it all, break it down, next weeks meetings all about goal setting, so don’t miss it and lets all put a plan in place.

It actually made me realise having that conversation that it’s more achievable than we realise, sometimes I’m so consumed in Weight Watchers I forget that I’m a member too and stay in work mode, I ProPoint everything to tell others rather than to fill in my own tracker , so here I go again ;-) Day 1 of tracking for me, not just ProPointing the main meal to share on Facebook, or things in shops to post and tell you all but day one of a full week of tracking to lose a pound a week, I’ve nothing planned really for the foreseeable future so this is a great opportunity, I can’t leave mom on her own right now so there won’t be any weekends away which means I really do have no excuse not to do this.  Ooo I might even start a fresh clean weigh card and weigh this morning for a true reading.  In the past I’d have been thinking, “Oh here I go again”, but I don’t think that way anymore because it isn’t productive, no I see it as part of my life’s pattern and grab it with enthusiasm thinking, “Right let’s get down to it again”, I’ve been earning lots of activity ProPoints on my pedometer 11 yesterday, and I’m eating pretty healthy anyway so now just to ensure I’m within my allowance.
So thank you to that member (you know who you are) for making me realise ‘it’s totally do-able!’

So here’s to DOING IT!


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