Friday 7 September 2012

A condition known as, “Go on then"

7th September 2012

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

So in true Bridget Jones style;

6th September 2012

"154lb (back to where I started on January 1st)
Daily ProPoints consumed 26
Weekly ProPoints consumed 6
Activity Pedometer ProPoints gained 6

Alcohol units 4.9 (which explains why I used some of my weekly ProPoints)

Food consumed
400ml (had put up 1pt/568ml but didn’t used it all) skimmed milk used on cereal and in drinks - 4pp

30g bran flakes 3pp
2 mugs of tea

2 mugs of coffee at meeting

250g (raw weight) jacket potato 5pp
Topped with extra light Philadelphia 1pp
½ can tuna with extra light mayonnaise 2pp
Mixed chopped salad (prepared Saturday & still tasted fresh - I'm impressed!)
If you're really interested the salad consisted of -
Cherry Tomatoes
Red cabbage
White cabbage
Carrots grated
Yellow Pepper
All chopped and stored in fridge in bowl with cling film, I shall be investing in a large square plastic tub for future use)

1 litre of water & 1 can diet coke at evening meeting

2 Weight Watcher pitta breads 5pp

Last of the mixed salad
Lettuce leaves from a members allotment
Hummous 3pp
Tinned pineapple

Whilst watching Celebrity Big Brother I consumed
2 x 175ml 14% red wine 9pp (counts as one of my 5 a day as contains grapes! ;-) )

After blogging yesterday I invested in a new journal and got straight to work on mission 'Merry Christmas' my plan is to get to 6lb under my goal - 140lb so I can gain the 6lb on holiday and return in January within my goal ;-)  I also removed bathroom scales to a high shelf in a cupboard, realising I needed to behave like a Weight Watcher member and weighing once a week was part of that plan – the mission had begun!

Arrived at my meeting and got me a new weigh card, I was not impressed to realise despite making healthy food all week I had gained since Monday but realistically I knew that unless I'm actually tracking and within my ProPoints allowance a weight loss would be unlikely! I should know this being the leader!  I was 6lb lighter a few weeks ago, just shows how life can get in the way, for me all it had taken was a trip to Corfu and my mom being poorly!

My helpers noticed my actions at the scales and asked what I was doing, they then agreed mission “Merry Christmas” was an excellent idea and decided to join me, so we all got weighed and started fresh cards. Now there were witnesses so we have to follow it through!

Arriving home at lunchtime I was miffed to realise I had only 1pp on my pedometer as Alfie hadn't been in the walking mood that morning so I made myself fit in another walk on the afternoon which took it up to 4pp, Alfie was all about the lying down and watching the world go by! I haven’t got time for that on a Thursday with five meetings and paperwork! Will need to catch up with paperwork later!

It's amazing how much more moving I do when I'm wearing my wineometer! Gotta earn those units!

My meetings have been great this week, I love the idea of sorting my surroundings, I’ve got my ProPoint stickers at the ready to go through my cupboards and listening to my members talk about their delicious fruit bowl has encouraged me, today or tomorrow depending on time, I shall be having a trip to the shop to buy a bag of fruit which will be placed proudly on the living room table to encourage us to eat more of it.

Yes, I realised yesterday that the last few weeks I’ve been suffering from a condition known as, “Go on then”, it’s a common and overlooked condition because it’s extremely dangerous and contagious if caught, I’ve managed to pass it on to my mom and I’m sure I caught it off my bestie!  The treatment normally takes a few weeks to overcome the illness, and although I know I’ll never be cured totally, I will go into remission!  I started my treatment yesterday, I was offered a cappuccino at the meeting which would have cost me 1pp, I declined and said I’ll have a coffee instead thank you because that was coming out of my milk allowance, then an hour later I was offered a Weight Watcher pecan bar, again I declined explaining I was back on track and in the zone.  I still managed to resist even after being encouraged by the member who said, “Oh they’re only 2pp”, realising I only had 26pp to pay with, and I declined a second time.  Yes the treatment is a little rough but the side effects are amazing, they include feeling in control and good about yourself, and of course weight loss!

So if you think you’ve caught ‘Oh go on then’ this summer, it’s time to seek support and get yourself on a treatment programme, find your nearest Weight Watcher meeting and start your course ;-)

Have a fabulous day, I’ll be earning some valueable ProPoints on my wineometer later helping to move some furniture, I’ve also promised to clean my car this weekend and do a bit of gardening, so fingers crossed this time next week I’ll be reporting a weight loss.

Have a fabulous Friday. X


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