Thursday 2 August 2012

Where can I buy some additional ProPoints!

2nd August 2012

You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on.Homer Simpson
I was rather pleased with myself yesterday morning, I finally made an omelette that I was proud to put my name too, it’s only taken me 42 years of trying!  How did I manage it, I lined the frying pan with a pan liner to save it getting stuck to the pan and it worked a treat, look;

So then I went to work where a member in the meeting asked the question, “why have Weight Watchers given you a weekly allowance instead of just giving you extra each day”, well I did answer that question in the meeting but I also proved the point at home after my meetings last night.  The reason is flexibility, it’s so you can decide whether you want to split them evenly over the week, save them for weekends and planned nights out or use them for when you’re a total tit like I was last night, can’t decide between a cucumber sandwich for tea or a pot noodle and after a couple of glasses of wine end up having both!  That cost me, I’ve now NOT got my weeklies intact, really wished there was a Weight Watcher meeting that started at 8pm on a Wednesday or Thursday night, because I’d go after my meeting!

So tonight I’m thinking in from work, straight to bed ;) to stop me doing any damage as I want / need to save the remaining weeklies for Friday night!  Ooo I might actually go straight to my office when I get in and do my paperwork, that’ll take an hour and give me something else to think about.
I wouldn’t mind but the Pot Noodle wasn’t good, Lynne’s lad got me thinking about them, I shall not be buying another, 10pp for a chicken and mushroom pot noodle, nah I think not!  I could made my own version couldn’t I, mmm that’s going on my ‘to do’ list to have a dabble, a nice noodle dish, might even keep the empty container so I know how big to make the portion!

Anyway, what’s done is done, so I need to earn some extra Activity ProPoints now so I have more to play with, I usually get about 7 on a Thursday, last week managed 9pp, so lets see what I can do today, I’m not going to stop till I get the 10 - even if it means going for an evening walk after work.  I didn’t like that it was still start when I woke up this morning, not pitch black but dark enough to show the nights are drawing in again.
Well if I’m aiming for 10pp of activity, I better get my backside into gear and walk Alfie, have a fab day, stay on track, don’t waste your ProPoints on something you’ll regret, and lets all be smiling on the scales next week. xx

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