Friday 3 August 2012

Let's shake things up a bit.

3rd August 2012

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. Sydney J. Harris
Had a much better day food wise yesterday, finished on 27pp, and earned 5pp, I know I said I was going for 10pp but it just didn’t happen, never mind five is still good, and I didn’t snack at all.   Had porridge and a shape 0% yogurt for breakfast, was surprised the yogurt was 2pp, for lunch I weighed 6pp of pasta and 2pp of pesto, stir fried mushrooms, spring onions and carrot ribbons (sliced using potato peeler) and had a nice dish with that.  For tea I microwaved a chicken and rice casserole I’d cooked a month ago. 

So yes food focused in my day yesterday, but it wasn’t the main focus which is what I think is a good day.  I was too busy enjoying working, I’m so lucky to feel that way, my members lost 42 stone this week and three members got to their goal, not forgetting Rachel’s 10 stone certificate, I’m just so proud of all this amazingness, it just shows that success is possible and I have over 200 members who have successfully lost their weight and are now enjoying being Gold Members on the ProPoints plan, truly fantastic.

This information is going to help motivate me over the weekend, I’ve got about 40pp spare to enjoy tonight, today I’m going to do Filling and Healthy because for tea we’re having ham, eggs, baked beans and wedges, mmm, I shall work the rest of the day round that.  Might have a nice salad for lunch, I’ve got the time today to think about putting together something nice, once I’ve done all my paperwork.

I realised yesterday that I need to change things around in my day because what I’m doing isn’t working.  My most dangerous times for knocking me off track is 8-10pm Tuesday to Thursday so next week instead of leaving my paperwork till the morning, I’m going to try doing it on my laptop in the living room so I’m still sitting with mom and ignoring the tv which is what I already do, but my mind will be active so I won’t be thinking, “mmm what can I eat/drink?”

Yes identifying the times when you’re likely to veer off plan and finding an alternative will help because habits control us, is it time to change any of yours?  There’s something for you to think about today, what one thing could you tweak about your week that would help you at the scales next time you step on them.  I probably use more ProPoints between 8-10pm than any other time of the week, so if I can improve that then I should be guaranteed a weight loss.  I’ll let you know how I get on, it worked last night, I did an hour of paperwork stuff, then went to bed early and slept like a brick.

Right it’s Friday I’ve got a weekend to get to, so I’m going to go walk Alfie then I can get my paperwork done and go shopping.  The suns shining too, always a good thing. x

 If you keep doing what you've always done
- you'll keep getting what you always got!

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