Wednesday 25 July 2012

Your leader ain't got it sussed either!

25th July 2012

Free your heart from hatred -- forgive. Free your mind from worries -- most never happen. Live simply and appreciate what you have. Give more. Expect less. Stephen Covey
Last night a mother of 18 month old triplets got her goal in my meeting, which I think you’ll agree is pretty awesome.  How busy must she have been for the last 18 months, trying to be a mom and do all those things that have to be done, it made me realise I can cope with everything that’s going on in my world at the moment, I just need to be organised.  I’ve already got the bins out at its only 5am, the neighbours must love me, but then again I lay in bed listening to them put theirs out late last night so hey ho!

I’m improving, yesterday was all tracked in my journal, I may have been over my allowance but I’ve made the step forward to track it all.  Today I will do the same and try my hardest to bring the amount down.  I’ve got a pack of stir fry vegetables for my lunch so that will help, might not add any meat either so it’ll be a zero lunch for a change, we shall see. I’m getting better that’s the main thing, and even with going over my allowance, it’s still all good stuff.
Yesterday I just struggled with the rushing of getting everything done, my work, going back to the doctors for mom and fetching prescriptions, I got frustrated because the painkillers are giving her side effects worse than her pain so she’s decided not to take them and I can’t make her better and it frustrates me!   I did have to smile though when she told me off for not washing out the mayo container before throwing it in the recycling!  I wanted to scream mom for the last two weeks I’ve worked 60 hours weeks, I’m doing all the housework, trying to get you better, sitting with you in the afternoon for a natter when I haven’t got time but I’m aware you’re bored – the last thing I’m bothered about is what the recycling collector will think about my dirty plastic pots!  Bless her she’s really OCD about the rubbish, yet unfortunately not so OCD about housework when she is well ;)

At least I’m earning lots of activity points on my pedometer or Power Points as a member called them last night – I like that idea.
I was really pleased at the turnout in the meetings yesterday to say the sun was shining and the kids are off, we had a lot stay which always makes for a good talk and lots of weight loss too, it’s always good to hear what you’ve all done to help with your weight loss that week and you do help to motivate me as well as other members I have to admit.

I had this email from a member last night, “Lost half for 2 weeks then 2.5 then put 2 on !!!!! Why do I do it to myself !!!”
Hands up who can relate to that comment?

I’ve had to put my hands down or I won’t be able to type ;)  I remember that frustration so much, I know I still struggle with weight loss when I’m not in the zone, but I don’t get so overwhelmed by it all nor let it bother me so much these days.
There are obviously so many reasons for a gain, but what a lot of us do is cut back too much, get too strict then our minds and bodies rebel and send “eat food” messages to our body which we can’t always ignore.  I think it’s better to pace yourrself, set realistic targets and stop trying to lose it all too quickly.

Obviously there are other reasons, one this week would be the sunshine, we’ve been summer starved all year so a lot of you have gone a little heat giddy and indulged in BBQs and booze, of course you can do that and stay on track but sometimes we just don’t – why – because old habits die hard, and it’s easy to indulge than resist.  You’re not a failure, you’re human and you chose the easy route.  That doesn’t mean you can’t get straight back on track the day after.
There’s also the times when you use food as a reward, sound familiar “I’ve had a really hard week/day I deserve something nice, I’m going to treat myself”. 

Or you’ve worked really hard and you have a drink to relax!
Or you didn’t plan nor exercise because in the scheme of things, it’s just one more thing you didn’t have time to do!

As a leader who does 13 meetings I talk about weight loss and food all the time, sometimes the last things I want to do on a Friday lunch/evening is think about ProPoints and I think a lot of other leaders would agree with me here, we rebel a little bit and think sod it.  A lot of leaders obviously feel that in our role we’re expected to be on track all the time and be at our goal all the time so when we aren’t we feel like we’re not just failing ourselves but others too.  That’s an immense amount of pressure to put on a person. 
So to all the leaders out there, don’t beat yourselves up – you’re awesome.  If you’re not at goal, or you’re struggling with your weight loss journey at the moment, do you know what, that just shows you’re human.  You too joined Weight Watchers because you needed to lose weight, that doesn’t magically go away when you become a leader, Weight Watchers isn’t a cure, it’s a system to help you lose weight and change habits for life, unfortunately bad habits have a way of hiding just out of sight waiting for an opportunity to come back into your life at the first opportune moment.

Okay, whether you’re member or leader, today (I know this is really difficult) put yourself first, ask yourself what one thing could you do today that would help with your weight loss.  For me yesterday it was to STOP, put everything down and go for a walk to calm down and enjoy a bit of that sunshine, I decided everything could wait half hour.
On that note I’m off to walk Alfie before the madness of mid week commences ;)

Enjoy your day, remember you’re number 1.

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