Tuesday 24 July 2012

I do solemnly swear to track today!

24TH July 2012

It's so easy to judge, but much better to try to understand & help someone!

Good morning, wow it was warm yesterday, and felt warmer sitting in a car for 3 hours on the motorway, I stopped once on way home because I needed the loo and once I smelled the KFC I realised I was hungry, but I was virtuous I paid a fortune instead for fruit from Waitrose.  I have to say I’m not a huge fruit fan, and when you pay £4 for strawberries (I don’t care if they were buy one get one free) you except them to be as sweet as sugar but they weren’t, the were edible but made you pull that ooo face, you know the one, think of eating a lemon and you’re pulling the face yourself right now.

I’ve not really been able to spend any time in this lovely sun either, because when I’ve not been working or doing housework, I’m sitting with mom because it has to be boring sitting on your own all day!  She doesn’t like the heat too much either or I’d suggest she go sit outside. 

I did indulge I have to admit in a Waitrose meal deal for two, 2 currys, 1 rice, 2 sides but instead of eating them all at once, I’ll get three meals easily from them, me and mom shared one curry last night with a side dish, it didn’t need rice, there was plenty.  My meals are sorted for today, I’ve got mince beef and onion from Sunday, I did two plates with boiled potatoes, so that’s lunch sorted, then we’ll maybe have another of the curry’s for tea.

Going back to that article I was reading at the weekend about goals, I liked the line, “follow a compass, not a map”, in other words, know in what direction you want to go but don’t be fixated on one way of getting there.  Don’t be so focused on something that you miss other opportunities to get where you’re going.  Like me yesterday, I couldn’t sit down and eat the lunch I’d planned so instead of thinking ‘sod it’, I found a way to make it home without going off track.

We can’t be happy all the time, that’s not realistic and it can end up making you miserable trying to be.  I’m a ranter, I shout a lot and curse, I was very restrained yesterday though when an old man cut me up at the petrol station to get to the pump ahead of me, I went and told him off in a very calm voice, I informed him being old is no excuse for being rude!  I felt very proud of myself for not raising my voice or being aggressive in any way even though he was being that way to me!

So back to pretending to be happy in the hope that it’ll make you genuinely happy doesn’t always work, it can make you feel worse, especially if you’re pretending to be happy with who you are, instead why not remind yourself that you don’t have to meet any particular standards in order to accept yourself.  Get real, acknowledge that every day isn’t a smiley day, we all have bad hair days and fat days, even slim people!  Laugh at those days! Decide to accept yourself for who you are right now and use that love and positive behaviour to help you make changes to become the you, you’d prefer to be.  You’re more likely to eat healthy and take care of yourself if you actually like yourself! 

Being happy doesn’t make you smile, but smiling can usually make you feel happier, try it, I’ve found it works!

Oh I almost forgot, I gained a pound on the scales yesterday at my weekly weigh-in, I can’t really say I’m surprised, I was shocked I lost 1.5lb last week.  I’ve not been doing it really have I; Pro Pointing your meals doesn’t mean your on track!  I’ve been using my mom not being well as an excuse to not track, then when I was going to start tracking at the weekend my mate said she wasn’t and that gave me another excuse.  NO MORE EXCUSES!  The tracker is out, a fresh week started, lunch is already tracked, I haven’t got on track on a Wednesday for a while, maybe it’s an omen ;)  My only saving grace is I maintain around this weight wonderfully, and I do accept and love myself which I’m 100% sure makes a massive difference and stops me spiralling out of control and gaining week on week.

So I’m happy with who I am, but I would still like to lose to be more comfortable when I do have the odd weekend away and overindulge, that’s my motivation this week as I have one of those weekends away very soon.

Enjoy the sunshine, xx

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