Saturday 19 May 2012

The time will pass anyway!

19th May 2012

We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us. Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

We did it, and we had a fabulous day too, me and Lynne stayed on track all day yesterday, we pre-planned our meals and our drinks and we had a full day out with lunch at mine, followed by a pint in the pub, then went to see “The Dictator” at the cinema (very funny it was too) then we went to Nando’s and then for another pint in a pub before finally going to see Dara O’Briain at the Civic Hall.
The entire day cost me 43pp (my lunch alone cost me that last Friday), awesome, and I recommend Nando’s it was great and the peri-peri ½ chicken for 9pp is great, I didn’t add any extra sauces, I had corn on the cob as a side for 4pp, didn’t use the butter – it didn’t need it.  I was going to have a side salad but that wasn’t considered a regular side, so the chips looked good and I had the allowance so I had those, they looked better than they tasted so I left half and if when I go again I’ll have 2 corn on the cobs because they were scrumptious.  Free top up on the diet coke too which is always a bonus!

It feels fantastic to be in the zone 100% at last and I know I will make it to weigh day without blowing my ProPoints budget because I feel so focused.  It’s amazing how you can be motivated and inspired by people you’ve never even met!  Tuesday morning when I weighed in meeting I’d lost 2.5lb, then I didn’t track all day because I’d got cocky and so when I jumped on the scales Wednesday morning (I’m aware we shouldn’t weight more than once a week but I did because I knew I’m been stupid) knowing I’d gone over my allowance the day before, I’d put 1.5lb of it back on!  I had that, “here we go again!” thought in my head, knowing what I’m like - how I have one good week, one bad week which for the last 12 months has meant I’ve maintained my weight but maintained it at between 7 to 14lb over my goal!  Then I logged onto facebook, and I read a post written by a Weight Watcher leader named Shan and something just clicked!  The post said;

“THE LIGHT SWITCH HAS BEEN SWITCHED ON!! I've been a leader for 13yrs and for all these years it's been a on going battle to maintain my weight as most of you know; for the last 3 yrs I've been a 1.5 stones over my goal! This week I saw the light!! I've tracked as a new member would track, I've planned my meals and organised my mind and I've got a grip!! 7lbs off!! Come on girls, let's lead by example!! It feels amazing! I'm much more confident in my meetings and I can now prove I know what I'm talking about! I'm 1 happy leader!! X :-)”

Well I was like ‘WOW’ this is what I want, I want a bit of that, get a grip Bev you can do this!
Then yesterday to help motivate me even more I watched this video on You Tube;

If you watch that and aren’t motivated, well I don’t know what to day!  Sarah the lady in the video looks amazing, has had a fabulous journey and these are the words that I’ve taken from her video that I thought were most poignant’

“Every journey starts somewhere, it’s never too late to try - what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?  Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it.  The time will pass anyway.  A year from now, you may wish you had started today!  Anything is possible; it’s your choice whether or not you choose to make IT happen.”
Luckily for me I also have an amazing friend who knows me so well she spent Wednesday saying all the right things and pushing the right buttons to turn that initial inspiration from Shan into full blown motivation to get me well and truly in the zone and I feel great.  I’m not worried about surviving the weekend, I know I will because my decisions have already been made in my head.  For example I’m having my hair done today and they give you the most delicious cappuccino and biscuits, so I already have a bottle of diet coke in my bag and I shall be saying “no thanks” when asked if I’d like a drink.  I’ve already thought about meal ideas for the next two days and I know exactly how many ProPoints I have spare if I’d like a glass of wine or two or three. 

Yes I can go out with my besties and stay on track.
Yes I can enjoy a glass or two or three of wine and stay on track.

Yes I can eat out if I consult my ‘eat out’ guide and plan beforehand.
Yes I can lose weight and get back to my goal and SO CAN YOU!

It’s about looking for inspiration and motivation anywhere and everywhere instead of trying to find kindred spirits to wallow in your self-pity party with you!  We’re all guilty of getting stuck in the, “I can’t, it’s just so hard” place, but it sucks there doesn’t it, the other people sat at that table will drain the dreams out of you.  So I suggest if like me you’ve been sat at that particular table for a while, you excuse yourself and go join the likes of Shan and Sarah on the top table where the losers (but winners) hang out.  Surprisingly enough the food served there tastes way better too because not only is healthy food delicious it always comes with a dash of virtuous, which tastes simply devine ;-)
Happy days, apparently it’s raining, for some reason I hadn’t noticed I’m too busy smiling and feeling good this morning. 

Enjoy your weekend and remember I’ve saved you a seat at the top table, see you there!  

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