Sunday 20 May 2012

Losing & Living at the same time!

20th May 2012

To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it.
I’m enjoying my weekend and proving it’s possible whilst staying on track, even managed a bottle of red wine last night whilst watching Adele at the Royal Albert Hall, we had tickets to see her at the Civic Hall but she cancelled so that was the closest I was getting ;-) she was excellent though.

Of course the programme everyone’s been talking about this week is Secret Eaters on Channel 4 on Wednesday, if you missed it, here’s the link to go watch it online.

The idea of the show is based on the fact that apparently Britain's a nation of Secret Eaters. Each year, we're gaining weight, but many of us just don't seem to know why.  Secret Eaters puts overweight families under 24-hour camera surveillance - their every move and mouthful captured by cameras in their shopping trolleys, cars, fridges and cupboards.  Once the families are aware of the scale of their overeating, they embark on a ten-week 'Food Rehab' regime to help them shift the pounds.
So the first episode focused on siblings Jill and Stuart from the Wirral are in the spotlight. Both are desperate to lose weight, but convinced they don't eat enough.  The episode shows a totally different story and once they learn the shocking truth of what they're really consuming, they stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime and realise they can lose weight!

I think other than the shock factor of the show, the one thing you realise more than anything is the importance of awareness when you’re eating. I’ve carried my journal with me everywhere this week, I even took it out in Nando’s and I don’t care what anyone thinks, because in a few months time when I’m back at goal it’ll all be worth it.
Because ultimately there isn’t an easy, quick fix way to lose weight, it’s about making realistic changes you’re happy to keep for the rest of your life.  I wouldn’t be willing to eat ‘certain foods’ or omit ‘certain foods’ to get to my goal weight.  I’m not going to eat ‘special diet meals’ for a few months to get there either, nor drink a shake twice a day.  Nope, I want to be able to go out with my mate every Friday and have a giggle over a pint of lager and maybe a bite to eat if we’re in the mood.  And I know that can be done by following the plan and making choices, instead of 4 pints, I’ll have 2, funnily enough we didn’t really notice any difference in our enjoyment levels by drinking less!  And of course make wiser food choices when eating out, we did that too this week and it was delicious.  Yes I’ve realised if I can maintain for 2 years at 7-11lb over my goal with a few tweaks and in a few months time I’ll be able to maintain at my actual goal.  It’ll be so worth the effort and we’re still enjoying ourselves whilst we’re getting there.

So I have used all my weeklies now, I do have 18 activity ProPoints earned if I need them, haven’t decided on what I’m going to eat today yet but it’s likely to involve large mushrooms and small potatoes because that’s what’s in the fridge.  That’s one way of ensuring you stay on track, only buy foods you know are good for you and taste great.  Although saying that we do have a cupboard full of junk for mom but I’m so focused at the moment I have no desire to go there, I didn’t even get the munchies last night after my wine. 
It’s Sunday, which is my day of rest, I will be doing a bit of stuff this morning, I’m emptying my office to have the floor and walls done, what a mission this is turning into, but once I’ve done that, walked Alfie, possibly had a run, then I plan to plant my behind firmly in my chair and watch tv.

Hope you enjoy whatever you have planned.

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