Monday 19 March 2012

What a difference a year makes!

19th March 2012
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. Lyndon B. Johnson
What a difference a year makes!  And if you’re interested in what a difference it can make don’t miss my meeting this week.
I’ve just opened my blog from the 19th March 2011 to see what I was doing on this date last year and I was off out for a posh lunch at a Michelin star restaurant with my friends, so it was a Saturday. That was a lovely meal and a great laugh, which I’d also had the day before when we’d had a training day and gone for afternoon tea where I remember we giggled an awful lot. 
I’m lucky that I can say this last 12 months has been fantastic for me, I’ve really enjoyed it and I’ve maintained my weight having all that fun, so now I know I can maintain maybe it’s time for me to lose that last half stone and see if I can maintain that too.  Yeah thinking back at some of the giggles we’ve had in the last year, I don’t remember what we were necessarily eating but I do remember some of the things we were giggling at, so maybe what’s on the plate doesn’t matter so much in the scheme of things, I can’t even remember what we ate at that Michelin meal, I just remember it looking posh and the wine tasting particularly good!
Did you know that every day we have roughly 200 thoughts about food alone, no wonder we find it so difficult to lose weight, if you think about it, the majority of our social activities revolve around food.  It was Mothers Day yesterday and I’m guessing a lot of you received chocolates, because from the day we are born food and love go hand in hand, your mom feeding you, then when your a toddler food is used as a consoler if you fall over or a treat if you’re good, so it makes sense that your loved ones buy you chocolates to show they love you. 
It’s also no surprise that we turn to food to cheer us up when we’re down, but you can turn that habit around, with time and practice.  I now phone a friend for a good chat now if I feel down, or arrange to meet up for a giggle, it’s much more satisfying than eating.
Yesterdays weather showed how changeable the weather can be, we had rain then snow with flakes the size of golf balls followed by lovely sunshine, my mate 30 miles away got hail stones!  We’re as changeable and as different as the weather, each of us has a reason for joining Weight Watchers and wanting to lose weight.  Can you remember yours?  What motivated you to walk through the doors?  Why did you want to lose weight?  Really, really think about the reason or reasons?  There will have been a deciding moment, a tipping point, it might have been something someone said, or a photo your saw, a thought you had.  And when you recall that reason, hold onto it because that’s your motivation for staying focused and on track.
My final straw was taking my moms elasticised waist trousers on my holiday of a life time back in February 2004, realising I had no photos of me from that holiday because I didn’t want proof of my size, and even after that it still took me a month or so to go to Weight Watchers because I thought I could do it on my own.  I knew what to do and how to do it, so I didn’t need to go somewhere to do it.  Guess what I DID, and once I did, I lost and I think sitting here typing this has made me realise if I want to lose this half stone, I have to go join a meeting again but I need to find the right meeting with the right leader for me.  Mmm that’ll give me something to do today!  Find a meeting.
However you coped this weekend, don’t miss your meeting this week and find the time to stay and sit down for the talk as that’s what makes the difference, Weight Watchers works because of the group support. Xx

Bad weekend?  Draw a line under it and fresh start this morning.  I spent some time on the Weight Watchers website yesterday, it’s got so much stuff on there to help and motivate you, so if you’ve got your monthly pass go have a play.  It’s even got a virtual cocktail bar – what more can a girl want!

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