Tuesday 20 March 2012

I may not be there yet… but I’m closer than I was yesterday!

20th March 2012

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

I had one crazy busy day yesterday, my feet didn’t touch the ground, it started with walking Alfie for an hour which earned me 3 activity ProPoints and I planned my breakfast and lunch whilst walking using my app on my phone. 

Next I had a fabulous meeting at Bloxwich, lots of weight loss, 56lb to be accurate, David achieved his goal, losing a total of 72lb which is just over 5 stone, I’m sure you’ll agree absolutely amazing.  David was the first person I’d weighed and the morning continued successful with Jo, Claire, Joy, Angela all getting silver sevens, Lisa, Susan, Joy and Joan achieving their 5% weight loss and Carol & Kelly both achieving their 10% weight loss.  Absolutely fabulous and certainly enough to inspire me and the rest of the group that we can all do it too.

As soon as I got back from my meeting I had to take my car to be fixed, (if you need a good mechanic I recommend Tiff, 07939408405 tmrservices.tiff@googlemail.com, he’s been looking after my car for 7 years or more and he’s great), anyway to be productive with my time, I’d changed into my running gear and ran the 4 miles home from the garage, and after when I picked my car back up I then went and did a bit of shopping so I have healthy food in the house to choose from.

When I got back I took Alfie for another walk, half hour this time, so in total I earned 5pp from walking throughout the day, and 7pp for my run, WOW 12pp towards the weekend.  

I didn’t get round to my paperwork until later but I still made myself cook lunch and dinner, and stayed on track.  Sat down about 6.30 ish and was absolutely shattered, but felt a bit wired from rushing, I thought to myself ‘shall I have a glass of wine to chill myself out, I still have the ProPoints’, but instead I just sat playing ‘words with friends’ for half hour then realised I had chilled out without the wine, all I needed was to sit for longer than a minute and relaxation would follow.  I had a very early night, 8pm and I’m so glad I did because I was truly tired, just got up 5am, so had 9 hours, even if they were interrupted by a restless, poorly dog.

I really enjoyed my meals yesterday, none of them took very long to make, and that’s what I think I need to work on, realising meals don’t have to be masterpieces, they can be quick and tasty.  Pesto pasta is delicious and fast, served with lots of veggies, it’s really filling too.

Yep, my plan is to get back to goal, so that I can enjoy running this summer in shorts without being self-conscious of my legs!  That’s my motivation.  I’ve even got the photo to remind me I can do it!   One day at a time, one meal at a time, I need to prove this week that I can go away, enjoy myself and stay on track, to do that I need to save my weeklies and any activity ProPoints I’ve earned for Friday.   To do that, I need to include plenty of filling and healthy foods, get organised and make time for me and earn some more activity ProPoints. 

I can do that!  What can you do to help you succeed. 

I may not be there yet… but I’m closer than I was yesterday!

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