Monday 15 August 2011

Going for Gold!

15th August 2011

It isn't hard to be good from time to time. What's tough is being good every day. Willie Mays
I’ve had another lovely weekend which is over far too soon, yesteday I did some cooking that past a few hours and I do enjoy it, wished I could find a way to enjoy ironing and housework but it’s just not happened yet!

How true is that quote above!  And I’ve googled Willie Mays and he was a professional American baseball player, so obviously he was talking sport, whereas when I just read it, I was thinking diet ;D
Whatever he was talking about, I still agree with it from a healthy eating point of view, it isn’t hard being good most of the time, but it can be challenging staying on track all of the time, so on those days I aim to be as sensible as possible and hope to maintain.

It’s important to find fresh ways to stay motivated, because having a reason to reach a goal is a powerful motivator to keep you going and we all know staying motivated can sometimes be easier said than done.

Do you know what you’re aiming for?  When you started you may have had a clear goal such as losing weight for a special occasion, to improve your health or to increase your self confidence or you may have just wanted to lose weight.  Sometimes But other things in life can cloud your focus, if that’s the case, review your goals and set new ones to help revive your weight loss.
Keep thinking positively, if you gain a few pounds whilst you’re a holiday don’t let it dishearten you, acknowledge that this is a life time journey and you’re going to want a holiday whenever you can, there will always be birthdays etc so it’s important to still enjoy life and find a balance. It can be discouraging if your weight loss has slowed or come to a standstill. You may feel like you’re slipping back into old habits or you may feel like your focus is flagging, so what not use this time as an opportunity to learn about yourself and your eating habits, staying motivated towards your goals could help.

You could help to keep your motivation strong by refocusing your mind on your goal and finding new ways to motivate yourself.  Are you stuck doing the same old, same old? Look back at your trackers – are you eating the same foods over and over? Does the idea of eating the same foods make you feel deprived? We talked about this last week, look for new ideas, add some more variety into your plan.
Talk about it to others, whether in the meetings or on the facebook group or the Weight Watchers esource forum, talking always helps.  So does support – would having support from others help spur you on? Talking to family/friends or finding a weight loss partner may be just what you need to keep going.

Seeing success stories can be inspiring, learning what has worked for others.  There are lots to read in the Weight Watchers magazine and in this weeks meeting I’ve got photos of some of my members that have succeeded.  Why not picture yourself at Goal for the ultimate motivational boost.

Remember it small changes that bring big results, to help keep your motivation sky high, try setting small goals. The prospect of achieving your goal weight may seem far from your reach right now. But taking your weight loss one step at a time and focusing on small, achievable goals can make all the difference. Choose something that works for you, for example you could set small weight goals that are right for you – whether that’s 1lb, 7lb or 1 stone.  Aim to fit into that pair of jeans which is just a little too snug right now.  Challenge yourself to lose 5lb in the month leading up to a friend’s birthday or family gathering.  Work on becoming fitter to be able to run around for 10 minutes with the kids.
Try recording your goals and a timeframe to accomplish them so you are clear on what you want to achieve. Once you reach your goal, why not reward yourself? Treat yourself to a magazine or that new outfit you’ve had your eye on. Go on, you’ve earned it!

And remember I’m

1 comment:

  1. I love ironing- gives me time to watch rubbish tv guiltfree!!
