Sunday 14 August 2011

Fall over - get up xx

14th August 2011
People may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else. Unknown

Well I experienced a first in my life yesterday and by the time you hit your 40’s doing something for the first time isn’t really easy is it.  What was it you ask – I had a manicure, I’ve stopped biting my nails over a month ago and they were ready in a condition to cut and pain, except the one that broke 2 days before – boo.  I really didn’t think I could stop, I’ve tried before and failed so many times and I bit them so low and so badly that false nails wouldn’t have been able to stick to them so that was never an option either.  Heck I even used to bite my toe nails after a bath :D!!!!
So it’s worth remembering it doesn’t matter how many times you fail as long as you keep trying. 
After my pampering session, I popped in the Co-op to get something quick and easy for dinner, I really didn’t want to do anything yesterday.   Have you noticed how supermarkets are notorious for ‘helping’ up buy what we don’t need or even want!  Do risk ending up buying too much or finding your trolley full of foods you didn’t need and know won’t help your weight loss.  Before you get their, make a list and stick to it firmly or shop online, I must start doing that because it would save me a fortune, I’m very much an offer buyer.  I was very proud of myself yesterday I picked up then put back all the reductions, asking myself the question, “would you have bought that had it been full price and is it going to help you with your weight loss”, in every case the answer was no so I put it back on the shelf and probably saved a tenner too.  I ended up buying a bag of frozen chips and we had oven made fish and chips and it was delicious.    When writing your list, try to write it so it follows the layout of your store, so if the veggie aisle is first, start with them and if the biscuit aisles in the middle – miss it out!  Set yourself a limit, whether it’s a cash on and or a time limit to stop you making spontaneous buys that will only sabotage your success.
Obviously doing the above takes some thinking about and planning, and that takes a certain degree of commitment – ask yourself how committed are you to weight loss?  I have a friend who is really committed at the moment, I’d say she’s 95% whereas I’m probably 75%, where do you see yourself? She’s on a mission to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain length of time whereas I’m more focused on making permanent changes that I can live with forever whilst still being the me I like to be which unfortunately to a certain degree slows down my weight loss, but I’m okay with that so it’s all good.  As long as you know where you are on the commitment scale and what your goals are, then you have more change of getting there.  It’s important to set goals, because the chances of having regular success without setting targets for yourself are minimal.  Setting goals gives you an inspiring sense of purpose and fuels your momentum.  Success is an important ingredient for self-esteem, of course success has to be no your terms and how you see success through your own eyes.  For example at the moment for my mate it’s the numbers on the scales for me it’s more about making healthy choices and getting fit, I know I love to eat good food so if I can get fitter I will burn more calories enabling me to eat how I want to.   It doesn’t matter how small or how personal your goal is, as long as it excites you!  Do you have a goal, long term or short term?  I do, it’s personal though at the moment so again I’m not quite ready to share but there is a reason for that and I will when I’m ready.
So are you committed?  How much?  What is your short term goals and what is your long term goal?  Is it realistic, is it achievable, do you now how long you plan to spend achieving it?  The more you think about your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it, but of course thinking about it won’t get you there – you have to take action too.
Well I’ve got lots of stuff planned today, so I better get started.  Have a fabulous day. xx

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