Wednesday 23 March 2011

23rd March 2011

The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.

Yesterday was all about using up the food in the fridge that was about to go off!

So I made a pizza from a Jus Rol pack I’d bought and it wasn’t until it was cooked I realised I hadn’t put any cheese on it, the whole thing was 36, it filled a baking tray, it was huge! Then I made stuffed mushrooms which I’m having for lunch today. Finally I made a delicious parsnip soup, recipe below which was scrumptious.

I really do need to stop buying too much food, I love to eat, cook and shop, unfortunately I forget that there’s only two people in my house and 7 days to eat the food in, so I really do need to start thinking about the meals I intend to cook before or at least as I shop!

The meeting this week have been great so far, not just fabulous weight loss with lots of 5% and 10% awards, also two members achieving their goals and getting gold membership but also because there’s been a lot of laughter and also a few tears as a few members share their reasons for joining Weight Watchers and wanting to lose weight, it’s always a different reason for us all, some of us might have similar reasons but our motivation to walk through the door is a very personal thing that not everyone is willing to share but those that do usually bring a tear to my eye xx

My members continue to constantly inspire me, you’re all truly amazing and I love that you make my work so enjoyable, and if you are struggling, talk to me, tell me what I can do to help you and I’ll do my best.

I’ve just seen this article online, Jennifer Hudson has lost 80lb with Weight Watchers, WOW check out how good she looks!

I think the bit of sunshine we’ve had this week has really lifted peoples spirits and everyone’s being reminded that summer isn’t far away and we’re going to have to take the baggy cardigans off soon! One member proudly stood up yesterday and showed us how loose her new trousers were, which were a size smaller than when she joined! Fabulous, I just love that look of satisfaction you all get when you lose weight, its brilliant.

The subject of ‘guilt’ came up last night, NEVER feel guilty about eating, it’s counterproductive, if you’re going to eat it – ENJOY IT! Most importantly give it your full attention and taste every mouthful.

Enjoy every bite

I don’t care how much it cost, or how long it did or didn’t take to make, if you aren’t tasting and enjoying the food 100%, you don’t need to be eating it and it isn’t doing you any good!

Don’t even waste one mouthful of pleasure ;D
If you stop paying attention – stop eating!
If you stop enjoying it – stop eating!
If you become full – stop eating!

If you are still hungry, still enjoying it and still paying attention – ENJOY IT! NO GUILT!

Start to notice what foods you really enjoy eating, they may not be the ones you think. I ate a chocolate cream egg on Saturday night and realise I actually really don’t like chocolate at all and it’s something I consume because apparently everyone likes chocolate – well I don’t!

If you’re all about dessert and go for a meal with friends and really don’t fancy anything on the main menu list, have two desserts, one for your main and one for dessert, just ProPoint them.

Since I’ve started giving my food the attention it deserves, my top foods list really has altered, spinach is up there towards the top and eggs, mmm a poached egg on steamed spinach leaves is lush. It’s also excellent value for ProPoints.

It’s not just about how it tastes whilst you’re eating it either, it’s also about how your body feels afterwards, if it makes you feel great and gives you energy – great. If it makes you feel drowsy or full and sick then not so great. Notice which foods taste good in your mouth, but aren’t so good when you’re digesting them, not all foods agree with you. It could just be the time of day you’ve eaten those foods too. It might not cheer you up if your body can’t handle cake but you need to respect your body’s reaction and realise that food isn’t for you. My body doesn’t do sweet food well, it makes me feel yukky afterwards.

Anyway there’s some food for thought, and I’m off for my daily walk with the Alfie soon so I can clock up some steps on the old pedometer and get some fresh air into my lungs, sets me up for the day.

Have a good one xx

Roasted Parsnip Soup
Servings: 4, 4pp per serving

500 g Parsnip, peeled and cut into chunks (10pp)
1 tablespoons Oil, Olive (4pp)
1 teaspoons Cumin seeds (level)
1 large Onion, chopped
1 medium Pepper, Red, deseeded and chopped
1000 ml Stock, Fresh, vegetable
2 tablespoons Chives, fresh or 1tbsp dried
75 g Philadelphia light cheese and chives (3pp)
2 tablespoons skimmed milk
1 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoons ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/fan oven 180°C. Put the parsnips into a roasting pan and add the olive oil, cumin seeds and some black pepper. Toss to coat, then roast for 15-20 minutes, or until tender, turning once after 10 minutes.

Put them into a large saucepan with the onion, pepper and vegetable stock. Bring up to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Remove from the heat and use a hand-held stick blender or processor blend the soup, add chives. Mix the soft cheese with the milk and stir into soup, serve.

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