Tuesday 22 March 2011

22nd March 2011

Some days, doing 'the best we can' may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn't perfect – on any front – and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else." Mister Rogers

Busy, busy, busy that’s what yesterday was and because of it and the fact I had a fabulous weekend, I didn’t track, so today I’m refocused. On a positive healthy note though I did manage two walks with the dog and earned 9 activity ProPoints on my pedometer, I covered 25,090 steps which is 10.45miles, so I was pleased, plus the walks help slow down an otherwise extremely busy day.

This week’s meeting is all about the activity buzz and I have to say walking may not make me sweat but it really does do me good and I enjoy it immensely.

Even though I didn’t track I still ate healthy, I had one of those new Warburton wraps for my tea with spinach and chicken in and a splash of balsamic vinegar and it was delicious. I often buy a cooked chicken from Sainsbury’s when I’m too busy to spend time in the kitchen and I used to eat the skin but now I manage to resist and only eat the 2 wings with the skin on, the rest Alfie gets, good job it’s only occasional, otherwise he’d have a weight problem too! I plan to use a couple of those Warburton flat wraps to make pizzas today and top with puree, pineapple and mushrooms etc.

I’m absolutely loving spinach at the moment, it’s a delicious leafy green that is a wonderful slow-release energy food, apparently it helps to keep hunger at bay. Also did you know it was a natural laxative, spinach aids liver function (that’ll help with the wine I drank at the weekend!), neutralising the toxins present in our bodies. The B vitamins found in spinach strengthen the immune system, fighting off infections, and boost energy levels to fight long-term fatigue and stress. It’s high potassium content regulates blood-fat levels. The oxalic acid contained in spinach can exacerbate kidney or bladder stones! It’s also extremely easy to cook, steam for a few minutes, or I have been known to microwave for a minute.

I’ve just found a recipe for spinach soup that I might have a go at;

Spinach soup (total 6pp)

1tbsp olive oil (4pp)
1.5kg/3lb 5oz spinach, washed
6 sticks celery, sliced
2 heaped tbsp vegetable bouillon
1 heaped tbsp fresh herbs (tarragon, thyme)
1tsp grated nutmeg
4 tbsp low fat bio yogurt (2pp)

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the spinach until just tender. Barely cover with water, add the remaining ingredients, except for the yogurt, and simmer for 10 minutes. Blend in a food processor until smooth and serve with a spoonful of yogurt.

Yeah that sounds like one to try.

Remember whether you’re week started well or not, it can end well, to create a masterpiece takes time and remember you’re working on a masterpiece – YOU!

Have a great day gorgeous xx

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