Tuesday 15 March 2011

15th March 2011

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Tim Duncan

Day 7 of giving up the alcohol for Lent and I have to say it’s much easier than I anticipated, I haven’t actually wanted a drink which is great, when I’ve been flicking through magazines and seen the wine reviews that has got my attention but not enough to make me cave, nor when I’ve seen the offers in the supermarket.

I had a delicious lunch yesterday, Savoury Bread Pudding for only 9pp served it with kale and asparagus, the recipe said to put the cheese in the mixture but I misread it and put it on top – still delicious though.

For dinner I made a very quick (120g) Smoked Trout (4pp) (50g) Linguine (5pp) with chargrilled pepper and mushrooms in a (3tbsp) low fat crème fraîche (3pp) and lemon sauce for 12pp. Delicious.

I always find when I include lots of vegetables in my meals that I’m a lot more satisfied physically, by the end of the day I’d only eaten 27pp and that included two chocolate teacakes (3pp). I also earned 10pp on my pedometer from walking Alfie twice and going shopping plus my meetings of course.

So how are you getting on? Did you eat anything nice or different yesterday? I’ve bought a celeriac to make soup with today, there’s some delicious soup recipes in this weeks copy of “Your Week”, I’m going to make bread to have with it too, warm bread and soup mmm.

My focus this week is on my veggies, getting more from them and giving them centre stage on the plate. I’ll give you some ideas tomorrow.

Did you know 6 small beetroots have as much protein in them as one chicken fillet. Beetroot however is zero propoints and rich in antioxidants, including betanin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes efficient liver function. It is a complete protein and so useful to add to other proteins.

Do you know how much protein you need? Nutritional guidelines say we should eat an average of 50g of protein each day (men 56g, women 45g). This is enough to keep you healthy and full of energy, one chicken breast on its own will give you the full amount.

It's unlikely that you don't eat enough protein, in the Western world it's more likely to eat too much which can lead to high blood pressure and kidney problems so that's motivation enough to reduce portion sizes which in turn will help you lose weight.

Mushrooms, asparagus, watercress, cauliflower, broccoli, courgette, butternut squash, sweet potato and aubergines.  Of course baked beans and lentils are also great none meat versions of protein.  All of these are also zero or low in ProPoints.

Mmm I'm feeling a bit of a veggie vibe today, although it will have to be sprinkled with lamb chops as they've been defrosting in the fridge and we wouldn't want to waste them.

I'm also hoping to have time to make hot cross buns from this months Weight Watchers magazine, mmm 5pp of warm loveliness with jam on and maybe a bit of that creme fraiche leftover from last night.

Enjoy your day xx

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