Monday 14 March 2011

14th March 2011

If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page Mark Houlahan

I had another lazy day yesterday trying to shake my cold, I was even in bed at 7.30 and have slept till 5am think I could’ve slept longer, not sure if that’s thanks to the Night Nurse though! I was asked yesterday “Would you do Weight Watchers if it wasn't your job?” and the answer is yes, Weight Watchers got me to my goal weight (more times than once!) and it has been my constant for years, I have tried other things but have found that Weight Watcher is best because I can adapt it to suit my lifestyle at any given time for example these days I'm enjoying cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, whereas before I lost weight using only ready meals and convenience food and I think that is the main benefit of the ProPoints plan you can follow it no matter what your eating habits are, I have followed it in the past when I was a vegan, my mom follows it and she’s a sweet food junkie, so it can most definitely work for all. I love the plan as it's an easy way to keep a track of how much you eat without having to change what you eat too much.

The only thing Weight Watchers didn’t teach me, which I’ve learnt from books and various sources along the way, over the last 23 years is the thing that has probably helped me equally as much in staying at goal, as WW did getting there and it’s the one thing I try to get my members to realise and that is that no one’s perfect and more importantly no one needs to be, because flaws are gorgeous xx

Now I’ve shared that with you on a Monday morning, I can confirm that I made it through the weekend alcohol free and am entering day 6 of giving up for Lent.

I did something yesterday that I’ve never done before and some of you will be amused and a few of you might be disgusted! Especially as I’m 41! What is it I hear you ask, well I’m almost embarrassed to tell you – but not quite. Yesterday for the first time in my life I used a washing machine ;D, yep I’ve never had to before as mom does the washing and I do the cooking and ironing, but I thought it was about time I learnt how it works. Can’t say I enjoyed the experience much but something’s have to be done, like drinking plenty of water and eating your five a day, life isn’t about only doing what you want to do, it’s about doing some things because they need to be done or they’re good for you!

The only other thing I did yesterday that took any effort was baked Savoury mini muffins and they were so simple and delicious, the recipe said makes 16 for 1pp each, but I worked out that if you had 2 it would be 3pp, so next time I think I’d make 11 larger ones for 2pp each. They were tasty though and you can’t beat bread like food warm straight out of the oven. Recipe is available here by following this link.

This week’s meeting is all about the food and one thing I’m going to mention is the “Survival dish”, that's the phrase health experts are using for the one fail-safe, super quick healthy meal that you can always make no matter how tired you are. So what's yours?

I think the most obvious one is probably beans on toast, here’s another, that’s super good and super quick.

Take a fillet of white fish and sprinkle with ready mixed Cajun spices and then pan fry on both sides until the fish firms. Serve with a few handfuls of salad or green vegetables and a spoonful of low calorie coleslaw.

I put a recipe for another quick spaghetti supper on my blog yesterday follow this link.

Ooo baby it’s cold outside but at least it isn’t wet, so have a fabulous Monday and don’t let anyone dampen your day. xx

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