Saturday 15 January 2011

15th January 2011 facebook email

Celebrate what you’ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed. Mia Hamm
I had a break from the computer yesterday, facebook wasn’t working so once I’d done my paperwork I shut everything down and turned my phone onto silent too! It was bliss ;-)

Why do you wanna be slimmer? Why do you wanna lose weight? Will it make a difference to your life?

Why don’t you start today by setting your slimming goals -find a quiet place where you are unlikely to be disturbed and make yourself comfortable. Relax.

Now focus all your attention on the reasons why you want to lose weight. Think about how you’ll feel when you’re slimmer, what you’ll look like, what outfits you’ll wear and the activities you’ll be participating in. Draw up a list of your short-term goals (to buy gorgeous new clothes for the summer, for example), medium-term goals (to look better at 40 than you did at 25), and the lifelong reasons why you’d like to be slimmer and healthier (to look good and feel great).

Let’s make it easier to lose weight by adoring ourselves slim. Now that you know why you want to be slim, choose the rewards that will help spur you on to achieving those goals. Why not promise yourself daily treats for sticking to your plan such as a 15-minute break reading a good magazine, or a long soak in the bath. Promise yourself weight loss rewards like pedicures, manicures, massages or facials, a new lipstick, or a new outfit in a smaller size.

The road to weight loss has its ups and downs, but you’ll sail through if you can keep your self-belief high. Super charge it before you start by incorporating the following tricks into your life:

- Spend the first precious minute of every day praising yourself. That way, even if no one else does (though they will, once the weight starts falling off), it matters less.

- Stop striving to be perfect – you don’t have to do everything right in order to love yourself and for others to love you. Instead of berating yourself if things don’t go to plan (the chocolate biscuit that jumped into your mouth, the day without exercise), start practicing a bit of unconditional self-acceptance.

- Get in touch with your body – show it how much you adore it (rolls and all) by lavishing it with care and attention. Treat yourself to a scented body lotion and massage in it after a shower as a way of saying thank you for what your body does (carries you around, allows you to enjoy all the wonderful things life has to offer), not just for the way it looks.

- Banish evil thoughts – most women are plagued by a negative inner voice, belittling, sneering and criticising everything they do. But every time you catch yourself thinking something unhelpful (such as I’ll always be overweight), just imagine a giant STOP sign in front of your face. Then consciously turn that thought into a positive (every day in every way I’m becoming slimmer and fitter).

- Act like a Girl Guide – it’s far easier to believe you are a good person if you behave like one, so start committing acts of kindness and get in the habit of doing a daily good deed.

- Be grateful – every time you brush your teeth at night think of three things you’re happy to be (funny, determined, enthusiastic), three things you’ve done well that day (not lost your temper with the kids, cooked a healthy meal, made others feel good about themselves) and three things you’re grateful to have (your health, a loving partner, a comfy bed).

- Fake it to make it – think of the most confident and successful person you know and analyse how they dress, look and behave, and then start copying them.

What you really feel inside doesn’t count because what you’ll be telling the world is that you have self-belief.

And guess what? With nothing better to go on than what you tell them, other people will soon start treating you like a person who’s confident and successful, which will boost your real confidence.

So if you do one thing this year…
Make time for a quiet bedtime routine

Some quiet time, maybe a warm bath and a warm milky or chamomile drink will allow even those who don’t sleep well to have a deep, restorative night’s sleep. Remember, going straight from the computer or TV to bed – or exercising too late – makes it much harder to drop off.

Personally I don’t have this problem falling asleep is something I do really easily! Having said that I’ve been awake since 4am so maybe I need to work on staying asleep ;)

Have a super Saturday xx

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