Friday 14 January 2011

14th January 2011 facebook email

“People say money is not the key to happiness, but I figure if you have money, you can have a key made.” Joan Rivers

Alfie (my dog) is one year old today, yep it’s his birthday, and so an extended walk is on the cards for sure.

67½ stone was lost in my meetings this week, I think you’ll agree that’s fabulous, especially as Monday members were at their first meeting of the year so they had their Christmas gains to be acknowledged. I think next week if we try hard enough we could beat that and maybe beat the 69 stone that we lost the first week the plan was launched to my members! Are you up for the challenge? So let’s get a little competitive my meeting with the best average weight loss was Bloxwich, Thursday 10.45am, they lost an average of 3.62lb, and the average lost overall from all my members this week was a fabulous 1.82lb. So well done to everyone of you that lost weight, and remember never let success go to your head and never let failure go to your heart. If you didn’t get a weight loss this week, that’s okay, because there’s always next week. xx

I know a good few of us struggled to get back into the plan last week, Christmas has only just past, we’ve still got rubbish in the house, the weathers rotten, etc, etc, etc. This is a post that was written by a member last night on our fb wall;

“I'm really struggling with this new propoints, not that its hard to work out points, just I can't get motivated. I want so much to be able to fit in my old clothes again but everyday I start again and every day it takes just 1 thing to knock me down. I just don't care and yet I hate the way it makes me feel. guilty! stupid that i can't stop eating. Fat!!!! Am I the only one who gets like this??? I wanted this to be a new year, new start. To be able to look at myself in the mirror without avoiding my own eye contact. but all I'm doing is avoiding mirrors!!”

Does this sound familiar, do any of you feel like this, I know a lot of you do. I think the first thing to do is realise it’s not about the ProPoints plan, hell, it’s not even about food. This is about how you’re feeling about yourself and your life. This is about low self-esteem and that can be worked on and improved. Everyone needs to realise that what you weigh does not define you as a person; it does not make you beautiful. We are all gorgeous, everyone can look fantastic if they dress in the right clothing, a skinny bird can look terrible if she has no dress sense! If you constantly punish yourself, you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, fluctuating weight and self-hatred. Some people fall into the trap of such severe denial that by the time they do eat, they do so obsessively. The answer isn’t constant denial; it’s balance and sensible choices.

These days I enjoy food, I used to say that when I was a size 20, but it wasn’t true, back then, I just ATE food, it’s not the same thing. I didn’t enjoy the eating, I didn’t even acknowledge or notice the taste of the food. I didn’t eat good food; I just ate lots of food. I didn’t like my life very much, I didn’t like anything or anyone very much either! It wasn’t until I stopped and realised my life sucked and then started to do something about it that my attitude to food changed. Until then I had used food to block out my emotions; I was unhappy in my work but terrified to leave because it was so well paid. I was a single woman with bills to pay and a mom to take care of, I couldn’t afford to leave my job - it wasn’t feasible. But in the end that’s exactly what I did, I walked away from £30k a year and a company car, not knowing what I’d do, all I had was 5 Weight Watcher meetings a week and a promise that I could have more when they became available. I was terrified and excited all at the same time. I just kept saying to myself, we can shop at Kwik Save and eat baked beans, it’ll help the weight loss ;-)

The trick is not to give yourself a hard time, accept that its not easy and that you are doing your best. Hell life’s not easy full stop, but you can make it even more difficult by approaching it negatively! Take each day at a time, heck take each meal one at a time if necessary. Before you eat, ask yourself why you’re about to eat. Are you hungry? Are you bored? Are you just plain miserable? Is eating going to help the way you feel, will it make you feel better? Short-term maybe, long term – NO!

Instead of avoiding your reflection in the mirror, have a good look at yourself, you’re gorgeous – learn to appreciate that! Get a pad and write down a list of all the things in your life that you are grateful for, do you have wonderful friends/children/parents. Write a list of things you like about yourself, this may seem difficult at first but it will get easier as you start. I always start my list with “good teeth” (hey if its good enough when selling camels!) Don’t think or say anything negative or horrid to yourself that you wouldn’t dream of saying to a friend! Start being your own best friend and make time for yourself.

Yesterday was very busy for me but I still made time to cook my lunch (which is my main meal), I got in at 12.30pm and it was in the oven for 12.50pm, twenty minutes was all it took to prepare stuffed mushrooms and get them in the oven. So remember you’re always worth finding the time and making the effort. If you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after anyone else.

Anyhow, I went off on one then didn’t I so I better stop now and get some work done!

Please be gentle on yourselves – you’re all so lovely xx

So if you do one thing this year…

Get a DOG! Yep according to Dr Anna Dominiczak, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at Glasgow University: “This will make you get out for a walk every day, no matter what the weather. Not only is a dog great exercise, it clears your head, relieves stress and maintains your weight”

Anyone for Walkies?

Yay it’s Friday and I’m off over Bantock Park for my walkies…

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