Saturday 30 October 2010

30th October 2010 todays facebook email

Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life. Adele Brookman

I made my mom laugh yesterday, I was reading a magazine and there was a piece that said people who drink 2 glasses of red wine a day are healthier than teetotalers, it then went on to explain why and I read it out to my mom and finished it with what I thought was a very serious question, “how big are the glasses?” ;-) I’m guessing unfortunately that they’d be 125ml not 250ml like I drink! Hey ho, at least one of the two I drink is legitimate.

Today I shall mostly be being a domestic goddess and finally getting round to probably 6 weeks of ironing, so I’d say that’s most of the day! Me and mom will also take Alfie out if its dry, if its not I get to go on my own round the estate.

Yesterday I made a lovely vegetable curry (if you were in your meeting this week we talked about fruit and veg) I used all the leftover fresh and frozen I had, so in it went frozen okra and spinach, then fresh peppers, courgette and a potato, I microwaved the potato first then put it all in a pan with a jar of Sainsbury’s own brand curry sauce, the entire pan was only 8 points! And there was no need for rice because it had potato in it. Good filling evening meal that left me with enough points for a glass or two of that healthy red wine!

We also had a vegetarian lunch, I’d bought two of the meal deals from Sainsbury’s and we had the cauliflower cheese for our lunch with lots of roast vegetables, it was 12.5pts but absolutely delicious and because my tea was only 2 points it balanced out through the day.

Once I’ve done my ironing, I’m going to continue my domestic goddess by doing my weekly meal planning and today’s lunch is chicken with bacon and mushrooms, which was also part of the sainsbury’s meal deal. I know they come with dessert but you are allowed a small piece and if you have a family they can eat the rest!

I’ve just cleared my email inbox and normally I don’t have time to read the jokes but I just read through this one and totally agree with its sentiment, I may be being a domestic goddess today but normally my belief is “dull women have tidy houses!” ;0) I haven’t got time to tidy. Here’s the email;


Remember...a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it.

A house becomes a home when you can write 'I love you' on the furniture.

I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making sure things were just perfect - 'in case someone came over’. Finally I realized one day that no-one came over; they were all out living life and having fun!

NOW, when people visit, I don't have to explain the 'condition' of my home, they are more interested in hearing about the things I've been doing while I was away living life and having fun.

If you haven't figured this out yet, please heed this advice.

Life is short. Enjoy it!

Dust if you must .......
but wouldn't it be better to paint a picture or write a letter, bake bikkies or a cake and lick the spoon or plant a seed, ponder the difference between want and need?

Dust if you must,
but there's not much time . . . .
with hot chocolate to drink, rivers to swim and mountains to climb, music to hear and books to read, friends to cherish and life to lead.
Dust if you must,
but the world's out there with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair, a flutter of snow, and a shower of rain. This day will not come around, again.

Dust if you must,
but bear in mind, old age will come and it's not kind....
And when you go - and go you must - you, yourself will make more dust!

It's not what you gather; but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.
I like that, don’t you ;-)
Remember life starts now?
Are you living yet?
You’re not alive unless you’re living!

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