Friday 29 October 2010

29th October 2010 - facebook email

Honesty is as much saying everything as it is saying what is true. Richard Snelling
Good morning, good morning it’s 6.30 and still really dark outside and the clocks go back this weekend – boo! Have you tried scooping dog poop in the dark! Not easy as I found out yesterday but since I’ve bought a special torch with inbuild poop bags – is there nothing they don’t think of, how good, you gotta have the right tools for the job! What can I say I’m easily pleased and I love gadgets, yesterday I also bought an apple corer, I can’t eat an apple unless its cut up and the corer/slicer thing does that in one sweep – excellent ;-)
At the moment I’m really started enjoying my new ritual of meal planning. I know this may sound boring but I have a busy life and nothing leaves me feeling more frustrated and out of control than desperately trying to come up with something delicious and quick for my tea each night when I’m driving home from my meeting! So now I put aside some time once a week usually at weekends to think about some meal ideas. I sit there with a cuppa and armed with old copies of YOUR WEEK and Weight Watcher cook books and magazines and my laptop too (I make a lovely mess). I look for other meal ideas too as I don’t want to eat the same lunch everyday. I keep all the recipes in a pad or on my desk top for future use, last night I had stuffed mushrooms, ten minute they take in the oven and about ten minutes to dice the courgette and pepper or whatever contents I choose to include, a delicious meal on a Thursday after a very busy work day.

By having ideas ready for the week ahead, I feel safe in the knowledge that I can still to my plan and stay on track, if I know I’ve got a delicious meal to look forward to, I find it easier to resist temptation. I love to experiment with new recipes and foods because I may be able to lose the fat but I never want to lose the flavour! I love food, plain and simple, I love eating and sometimes I overeat, that’s who I am and who I will always be, there are still days when I eat double my daily points allowance and I just can’t stop myself!

For lots of us overeating is the one behaviour we find almost impossible to change forever. It’s something we feel completely powerless about; it usually makes us feel guilty, ashamed, out of control and overweight. Because let’s be honest overeating is one of the main causes of weight gain and anyone who’s overweight overeats to some degree, some of us are just better at it than others! ;-) When we eat more than our bodies need we put weight on. What I’ve found has helped me personally is admitting that fact, trying to work out why I do it and sometimes if I’m honest I can’t think of a reason or the reason is as simple as ‘because it was there’, or ‘because I was hungry’ other times it can be more complicated, it can involve an whole array of emotions, and stress. However just admitting you do it, and trying to work out why and reminding yourself it doesn’t make you a bad person makes it easier to deal with.

I find the whole subject fascinating, which of course is one of the reasons I do my job. I also don't think it's a bad thing and I don't think it makes a person weak or hopeless or addicted if they do it. It’s not a condition or a disorder, and people shouldn’t be labeled as 'over-eaters', they’re just people who sometimes overeat and let’s be honest probably every women (and a large number of men) you know overeats in some form or other. It is definitely the norm, not the exception in today’s society.

Overeating works doesn’t it? Whether we overeat because we love food, whether you’re overeating out of habit or to give yourself a treat, or whether you’re overeating as a way of avoiding everything that's uncomfortable and challenging such as your feelings, your thoughts, your lives... it does the trick and it does it very well indeed. Otherwise we wouldn’t keep doing it would we!

My aim both personally for myself and professionally for my members is whilst helping you to lose weight, is to get you to think about how to stop overeating and live your life without turning to food as a treat, a comfort, a celebration, to zone out or to escape. I’m here to support you every step of the way.

I’ve learnt to control my overeating I would say 90% of the time, I have lapses for sure, but I don’t beat myself up over them, I don’t use them as an excuse to continue on the destructive pattern and I’ve learnt the reason for my overeating. If I can do it – YOU CAN!

And the best thing of all, the new change on the 7th November realises we do it to!

Remember life starts now?

Are you living yet?

You’re not alive unless you’re living!

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