Friday 9 July 2010

July 9th facebook email

The first step towards the solution of any problem is optimism. John Barnes

Well we woke up at 4 for Alfie to go out but then I managed to go back to sleep and lie in till just before 6 so that’s good news unlike the tea I ate last night!!! 3 burgers and roast vegetables 14 points in them, they were lush but o dear that swallowed all my points up didn’t it!!!

I ended up having 33pts – hey ho, I’ll attempt to balance it out today and pull back a bit over the weekend. At least the burgers have gone, they were reduced and I was starving! They didn’t have any cooked chickens – are you feeling the valid reasons!! NO of course not, all excuses and I knew exactly what I was doing and last night I chose not to stick to my diet! I did however stop myself going to the yellow chip shop in Willenhall and also to the other Sainsbury’s to try and get a cooked chicken in addition to the burgers so for that I’ve given myself a big pat on the back.

Thursday nights for me are always a challenge because it’s a long day and I’m hungry, I need to start having a small meal around 3.30pm before going to my meetings to stave off the hunger until I get back so I’m not doing the lobster hands and thinking what can I eat now! The trick is to identify your weakness and danger times and work out a strategy to deal with them.

Here’s today’s habit changing tip;

Act the Part - As you go through your day, act as if you have attained your goal. Be that kind of person in your words, behaviour, and attitude. As a result, others will begin to see you as you want to be, creating a wonderful circle of reinforcement.

Don’t wait until you’re at goal to be the person you want to be and do the things you’d like to do – START RIGHT NOW!

Remember “Doing is becoming”

Take back your power! I truly believe you become your words, a friend said to me the other day when we were chatting by text that some people can’t help being sensitive, I think we can, I believe you can be anything or anyone you want, the only person that can affect your thoughts is you! No one can hurt you but you; no one can control or influence you unless you give them permission! If you accept and love yourself no one can touch you because you are content and happy.

Think about it;

No one can hurt you.
No one can tear you down, unless you give them power over you to do so.
No one can hurt you*, unless you let them.
No one can deflate you, without your permission.
No one can tell your truth, without your okay.
No one can make you angry, unless you give them that ability.
No one can define you, without your authority.
And likewise, no one can inspire you, inflate you, teach you, encourage you or motivate you unless you bestow upon them that power.

Doesn’t it sting, a bit, knowing that all the pain* and all the suffering you ever caused yourself was self-inflicted? Of course, you’re causing that sting, too. Maybe you had to experience the pain and suffering to get to where you are today.

I think about the many times in my life, especially when I was a teenager, when I was angry. Angry at my family, my friends, my boyfriends… A lot of anger. A lot of blame. Today, I look back and realize that it was I who let myself become angry. If someone gives you a gift of their anger, you don’t have to accept it. They can keep it. And they will own it, not you.

You’re invincible. Unless, of course, you choose not to be. Most of us, consciously or unconsciously, make the choice to give away our personal power to people, words, situations, relationships and the like.

Here’s to making choices that invite peace and love into our lives, the lives of the people around us.

*non physically, of course

Today I am grateful for days that are longer than nights, the birds outside my window, the tired, angry man that I see each morning on my walk and that won’t say hi back to me, , and red wine!

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Johann Wolfang Von Goethe

Or less profound Nike has it right…
Just do it!

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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