Tuesday 20 July 2010

July 20th 2010 - facebook email

If you can’t accept losing, you can’t win. Vince Lombardi

Well I gained 2lb yesterday, I’m not surprised I’ve been eating like there’s no tomorrow, but I got back on track yesterday morning and have decided to have a booze free week to help me get back on track. I even went for a 50 minute walk yesterday without the dog as it was too warm for him, so I earnt an extra 2pts, which meant I earnt a total of 8.5pts on my pedometer yesterday!

My members lost 131lb yesterday, so they obviously had a great week!

I’m not stressing over my weight, it will come off when its ready, I’m in a very calm, happy place right now and living by the motto, “Life just is – so go with the flow”. I listen to my body more these days, if I get up at the weekend and don’t feel like doing anything – I don’t, if I don’t feel like cooking – I don’t, I have a ready meal, and I’ve found that the balance is restoring, by listening to what’s going on inside, I’m giving myself time to respond. And because I let my body relax this weekend, it wanted to be more active yesterday ;-)

I was talking to a member yesterday who’s having a rough time, she’s going through a divorce and it’s not pleasant as you can imagine, and it is causing her all sorts of frustration and anger and instead of facing those feelings - she’s eating. She doesn’t want to still be married, but nonetheless has lots of emotions going on inside. Unfortunately as with any situation similar to this, if you keep feeding it then you’ll never process those feelings. I suggested she go home and instead of eating junk food which was actually making her feel worse, that she write a letter to her ex saying all the things she was thinking, really go to town. I then told her to get a match and burn that letter, it doesn’t have to be sent, but at least she’s got those thoughts out of her head, she’s acknowledged them instead of seething over them whilst gaining weight! If you’ve got a problem or next time you have, try it – its very therapeutic. I’ve wrote a couple in my time ;-) oooo they really help!

Instead of ignoring how you feel, listen to your thoughts, question yourself when you head for the kitchen, ask yourself why you’re there! Then try and be truthful with your answer, and don’t just reply, “Because I fancy it”, that’s sometimes the answer but more often that not, there’s an emotional reason you’ve got that’s making you want to get something else when you’ve already eaten.

So here you go with another habit changing tip;

Face Obstacles Rather than Sidestep Them –
You will most likely meet challenges along the way to acquiring your new habit. If events occur that get in the way of you accomplishing your goal, rather than complaining or trying to sidestep them see them as perfect opportunities to focus your attention more strongly in the right direction.

Remember Life Starts NOW!

Are you living yet :-)

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