Thursday, 2 February 2012

Eat less - move more! It's that easy - NOT!

2nd February 2012

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. Eliot
Yesterday was not my best day, I’ve got a stinky head cold and I chose to feed it!  Which doesn’t cure the cold but hey ho, I enjoyed it, I won’t enjoy the fact I’ve stopped any chance of a weight loss this week though.  Never mind it only takes me one step further away from my ultimate goal and I can spare a day, I’m back on it today with a vengeance.  I still have a head cold but I’m prepared, I’ve decided to try the Filling & Healthy plan (F&H) for at least today, maybe longer because my appetite is insatiable the last couple of days, therefore I’ve made a huge beef casserole (beef, potatoes, onions, carrots)  I added a Colman’s beef casserole mix and half a dozen oxo cubes (3) which means the entire pan on F&H day will be a total of 6pp, there is easily between 6 and 8 bowls in there.  If you’re ProPointing it, then I used 700g shin stewing beef from Asda 21pp, and 700g potato 14pp which makes 41pp in total divided by however many bowls you get out of it.  You don’t of course have to use packet mixes but I’m not feeling great and want quickness.  I also made a batch of chicken curry up using the WW curry pastes so I’ve got that ready too, and again I used 750g chicken (19pp) and 3 of the curry paste pots (4pp) together with 3 onions, 300g chopped tinned tomatoes and followed the instructions on the pack, so I have that for the weekend too, only F&H I only have to count the paste which if I split it 4 ways is 1pp, or if ProPointing its 4pp if you make the 6 meals or 6pp if you make 4 meals out of it.  Yep over the next few days I need feeding up and to feel full!

I’m off out for lunch tomorrow, head cold or not and as I’m planning to do F&H I will either chose a big juicy steak or gammon with a jacket potato and side salad, that way I will have my 49 intact for a medicinal drink!
And I think I will make a banana smoothie for breakfast as that’ll be F&H friendly too as long as I only use low fat plain or 0% Greek yogurt, or just skimmed milk.

As Rachel pointed out on FB yesterday “Ur loving this curry paste ay ya Bev ;-)” and she’s correct, I like anything that tastes good and makes my life easier, so with the veggie pot that’s left in the packet I opened yesterday I will at the weekend make a lentil curry, I’m sure I’ll enjoy that.  I’m not really into processed food, but I do like a bit of convenience food now and again, it just makes life less hassle.
I watched a bit of tv on BBC iplayer yesterday

The interview Stephen Sackur was speaking to Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientist at Weight Watchers International, about her company's global success, and the growing obsession with diets and weight loss.   She explained the science and message behind weight loss was simple - but actually making the right weight loss choices remained elusive for many.  I’m sure you’d all agree, it led me to write and post the following on my facebook status;

Whilst the principles of weight loss are simple – “eating less & moving more”, because of the behaviours, lifestyles and choices that have to be made day in day out - it’s not easy!  That’s why Weight Watchers works because it isn’t just a diet; it's a community with a support network!
If you agree with me, copy and paste the above statement onto your facebook status, help me let others realise that they are perfectly normal if they struggle with their weight, it doesn’t make them weird, temptation isn’t easy to resist and day to day life isn’t easy to navigate.  I truly believe the main reason Weight Watchers works is because of the GROUP SUPPORT, there is not greater feeling than being part of a group, feeling accepted and that it is okay to be you.  

Have a great day, whether you’re ProPoints or going F&H ;-), I will despite my cold! xx

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