Thursday, 7 July 2011

You’re probably not a very nice person?

7th July 2011

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha

Just started the day with two slices of hovis toast 3pp (small loaf), cheese triangle (1pp), piece of left over omelette (3pp) and plum tomatoes.  Very nice it was too and with the busy long day I have ahead of me, it hopefully should keep me going. 

I finished yesterday on 28pp and ended my evening with a diet coke instead of my usual glass of vino, every now and again I like to have some time without the wine, one to prove I can ;D and the other reason is because when I do then have some, it’s delicious and appreciated even more than ever.  Remember a day without wine is like a day without sunshine.  I’ll have a drink Friday because I’m out with the girls but until then and after then, dryness is in place.

As I enter my skint stint, I’m trying to be frugal with food, I have to wait till the end of August for my wages so what I have has got to last me.  I looked through the cupboards last night and found lots of tins of beans and tomatoes, which are nutritious and filling and cheap, so I’m gonna see how inventive I can get with those!

48 days till pay day, and my house has 22 bottles of wine next to the baked beans, so I should survive.

I had some tears and joy in my meeting yesterday, the joy was from all the weight loss, especially new members after following the plan for a week, 7lb and a few 5lb, plus 2 and 3’s, it was fab to see, and the one lady said she loved the plan because you can eat anything, it’s all about making your own choices – HOW TRUE!

The tears because it hadn’t worked or because that member has problems elsewhere in their life at the moment, losing weight is hard enough at the best of times but when you have life problems too, then it gets a whole lot harder.  All you can do in this situation is be kind to yourself and understand what’s going on.

Do you realise you’re probably not a very nice person?

Do you think you're a nice person? I bet you’ve said yes ;D  I don’t think anyone really thinks themselves as horrible, surely not, so I’d expect most of you to say, “yeah I’m ok, I’m friendly and thoughtful and kind” etc etch. 

But you’re forgetting one thing – I know most of you personally, I see you every week, some of you I’ve known for a very, very long time, so I know the nasty truth.

Most of you are overwhelmingly critical, impatient, aggressive, uncaring and abusive. Yeah YOU ARE, stop shaking your head from side to side.

Not to others, to yourself.  And it’s time to stop – right NOW!

You and yourself will be together forever. You'll always catch yourself when you fall. You'll be with yourself in the very best of times and the worst. No other can do more to make you happy, healthy and secure than YOU.

Yet, you treat strangers on the street better than you treat yourself, which I personally thinks a little crazy.

So decide from today, instead of punishing yourself for being so hard on yourself, put it right, stop doing it, think of someone you truly love, more than likely to be a child, and the next time you launch into a fit of self destruction ask yourself whether, in the same circumstances, you'd say or do the same things to this person. If you wouldn't, then don't do it to yourself.

What would you do? Would you explain the lesson learned? Encourage them to do better next time? Forgive? Console? Would you take care of them and keep all the negativity away from them.

Yes, you'd do things to support, enhance and love that person, so give a little love to yourself.

On that note, I’m off to get ready for work xx

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