Thursday 18 July 2024

The sunshine is so needed

 Thursday 18th July 2024

Well I've had a crappy 'diet' week, I've had my own little pity party the last few days because I was in pain and it's frustrating as hell because I'd got to a place where I was able to walk about and do low level classes at the gym, then this week I've been limping in pain GRRRR!  I've not tracked, I've not eaten great which isn't going to help at all is it!  

Then my mate messaged me to share her joy yesterday, she's lost 5st and looks amazing, she was so thrilled and we had a chat and this one line sh typed really hit home; 

"Life is for living and tomorrow is not promised so eat the cake and drink the wine and pull it back on a boring day"

This makes so much sense doesn't it, I'd had a great weekend and yes I'd indulged but if I'd been better this week, I could have pulled it back instead of not trying.  Lesson taken on board!

The other thing to take from our chat was it didn't happen overnight for her, 

"Keep going… you only fail when you give up…. The last 3 stone has taken since January 2023 so less than a lb a week as an average but I’ll tell you what…. you notice it and the older you get the time it takes means nothing as long as you enjoy life along the way ♥️"

Slow and steady really does win the race! 

Yes, I will be drawing another line this morning, I need to start planning again, the holidays start tomorrow and Aryn wants to go out for meals as his summer treats so I need to eat well overall.  

Whatever the scales say this morning, I'll get back to tracking and eating better, I've took a couple of M&S cottage pie meals out the freezer for today, they were on whoopsie stickers which is why I bought them, we'll see if they're any good.  

Right let's start the day, I've taken my painkillers, had my mug of tea and now I'm gonna go get ready for the day... 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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